How Practice Owners Can Leverage AI As Their Personal Assistant
Oh, I see.
All right.
I'm checking to see how to
actually pull this off.
I'm new to this webinar,
so I'm trying to see who is with me.
One second,
because I'm trying to get Deb on here.
Deb, if you want to post a comment,
maybe I could bring you in.
I'm not sure.
Hey, Nikambi, good to see you.
Post something in the comment.
Let me know you're here.
I'm here and I can hear you.
That's good.
I just can't see you,
like where you're at and
how to get you on here.
So you may have to figure that one out.
Play a sound when guests arrive.
I don't have any band guests,
so that's good.
That's good.
All right, so we got five people.
Who else is here with me on the stream?
Go ahead and put it in the comment.
I'm just going to see,
how do you bring in guests?
With each search stream,
you will have a separate
link that you can share with guests.
Well, that's great.
I don't know where that's at.
One second.
Well, here, Deb,
I'm going to send you a
link and email and see if I
can actually bring you in that way.
One second.
See if that works.
All right.
Oh, hey, Jim.
Nice for the smiley face.
All right.
We'll start in about 30
seconds as we are testing
out this new app.
webinar platform.
I'm a guest and I am on.
So something is working.
Thanks, Melanie.
I'm glad it's working.
So Deb, if you want to check your email,
maybe you'll pop up on my screen.
Let's see here.
So a quick story as Deb is
checking her email.
So I'm a part of this Bible
study in the morning with my church.
And there's a guy in my Bible study.
He goes, hey, Deb, there you are.
Hey, welcome.
Welcome to the live stream.
Hey, Kristen.
Hey, good to see you.
So in my Bible study,
there's this guy who specializes in AI.
He works for a big credit card company.
I mean,
this is the type of guy you want
thinking about AI because
he's kind of concerned
about the world and AI and
things like that.
Well, I was like,
I'm going to do this
webinar on how to use AI as
a personal assistant.
And I said I was even giving
it some prompts around
symptoms and if it could
actually identify like diagnoses.
And it says, you know, based on the DSM-5.
in the background of this Bible study
we were having,
He like found a digital copy
of the DSM-5 and then
created his own chat GPT
isolated box of just for the DSM-5.
And he's like,
I'm going to send it over to you.
You can play with it.
I was like, interesting.
So I don't even know how that works yet.
But welcome.
I'll go ahead and get started.
Hey, Deb.
So what you could do, Deb, is you could,
I don't know if you can
remove yourself or you could like,
you can turn off your screen.
You don't have to be a part,
but you could also say, hey, Brent,
I see this question or
something like that.
You know,
you can interrupt me at any time.
So I'm going to bring my
Notion document to the page.
All right.
So the webinar topic today
is how practice owners can
leverage AI as their personal assistant.
And I actually used AI to
create this image,
this little header image here.
And I said,
create an image in the form of
Pixar animations of a AI
personal assistant.
So you can kind of see it was, but if you,
if I can zoom into the
background just a little bit more,
you can kind of see the
outline of kind of a Pixar.
know animation a little bit
of what you would typically
see with pixar so you know
not too bad and it it
imagined itself as a robot
all right so give me a
thumbs up if you can see my
screen okay in the chat or
if you can't get the emojis
just say I can see it I'm
assuming you can all right
Okay, so as practice owners,
this is the problem we're
trying to solve.
You know, as practice owners,
you're busy and you're
being pulled in several
different directions.
And sometimes you're being asked.
Thank you, Christian.
Being asked to do something
you know nothing about.
You just need a little nudge
to get going in the right direction.
So I can help you be that
nudge as your personal
assistant and more.
Like, for example,
how to write a rejection
letter to an applicant who
might be wanting to apply
for your practice or even to a client.
It's just not a good fit.
How do you do that?
Maybe you just need a quick help,
a quick prompt.
Maybe you need to create
some social media or blog
posts or create website
copy or create an
improvement plan for one of
your employees or create an
e-book or lead generator or
possible help with a diagnosis.
Because believe it or not,
AI has read the DSM-5.
A little bit about me here.
That's my family.
About seven years ago, my wife came home.
She was getting her license.
She was getting, she was pre-licensed.
She was getting her hours in.
And as she was getting
towards the end of that time, she says,
I actually want to start my own
private practice when I'm fully licensed.
I want to work just with
kids and it needs to,
and I want it to be a
hundred percent private pay.
I don't want to deal with insurance.
This was seven years ago.
And she said, Brent, I need your help.
You have to do the branding and marketing.
The only problem was, is, uh,
I didn't know how to do
branding or marketing.
I didn't have a marketing degree.
I had a music degree, a music background.
So I know Jim can sympathize
with me a little bit there.
Let's see.
We had twin girls who were two years old,
almost three.
Susan was six months
pregnant with our son Simeon there.
And we didn't have money to
pay anyone to build us a
website or do anything.
But if we wanted to live in Chicagoland,
we had to make this business work.
We needed her income to live
in the Western suburbs of Chicago.
So what happened was we did
launch that private practice.
And it's a thriving group
private pay practice today.
We just hired somebody this last week.
So we've been onboarding her.
So she's got nine clinicians
working with her,
just all private pay and
working with kids ages two to 12.
And from that experience,
Brand Your Practice was born,
and that's my business.
And kind of my one-liner for
my business is there are a
lot of therapists who want
to start and scale up a
private practice but are
overwhelmed by all the marketing,
finances, and operations.
And using our proven playbook,
Brand Your Practice helps
therapists build their
dream private practice through business,
education, and services.
Because we believe starting
and scaling up practice should be simple,
affordable, and fun.
And out of that has come a few things.
So in the last seven years,
I've helped launch and
scale over 12 private pay
practices across the country.
I'm what some would say like
a full stack marketer.
So I've done it all.
The entire stack of marketing, Google ads,
WordPress websites, branding, SEO,
all the things.
But I'm also a full stack content creator.
I mean, I've done YouTube videos, vlogging,
branded newsletters, podcasting,
course creation,
and I'm a certified story brand guide.
And really for my mission,
and I'll get into the AI
and why this is important here.
My mission is to help launch, grow,
and scale over 10,000 private practices.
And I do that three ways.
One, through my education,
a branch of practice,
and I have some services there.
Therasas, which is a CRM.
And then the private pay
practice programs.
And I love this because Deb
and I teamed up to kind of
combine our experiences to
launch this program because
we believe that therapists
should be paid what they are worth.
And having a private pay
practice is the best way to do that.
That's what we believe.
And I do want to make you
aware of a free guide that
we just put together,
the ultimate guide to build
a private pay practice.
And this is actually a podcast series.
It's a private podcast series,
so you need a link to get to it.
And I'll share this link at the end.
but you can scan that or go
forward slash private to
get a hold of that new
series that we just put together.
All right,
so here is the plan for the webinar.
Short overview of what AI is,
and this is just a very 30,000-foot view,
where to get AI,
and then we're going to do
some live demonstrations on
how you can use AI as your
personal assistant and if
you have any questions
If you wanna type something in the chat,
it's like, Brent,
could you try something like this?
And we can play around with it and see.
And then I'll share with you
some AI tools.
At the end of this webinar,
I'm gonna give you a QR
code that you can actually, oh, thank you,
Deb, for that link.
You can actually have this
whole Notion page and get
all the resources you want from it.
All right.
what is AI and how does it gather data?
And so I just said, OK, chat,
what are you?
I said, here's the prompt.
Prompts are what you put
into chat to AI to get responses from it.
I said, hey, chat,
can you explain what you
are and how you gather data,
but explain it in a way a
second grader could understand?
Also, feel free to provide visuals.
And this is what it wrote.
It said, hey, there.
I'm like a super smart robot
that can talk to you.
Imagine if you had a really,
really big book with all the stories,
facts, and pictures in the world.
My brain is like that book
because I read lots of
things from the internet up
until a point.
And that's important.
And I remember them to help
answer questions.
But unlike a person,
I can't learn new things after my bedtime,
which was April 2023.
That means I don't know things.
I don't know about things
that happened after that.
Just like if you had a book
that stopped telling you
stories from a certain point.
And I can also make pictures.
It's like you told me to
draw a dragon playing basketball.
I can make a picture of it.
out of that for you.
Let's make a picture together.
How about we make a picture
of a friendly robot reading
a big book with kids?
Let's do it.
And so it created this.
So chat GPT, this version, chat four,
is relevant until April 2023.
That's when its knowledge stops.
Now chat five is going to be, you know,
even more recent as they update it.
So that is how AI describes
itself as if a second
grader was in the room.
Where do you get AI?
So chat GPT, um, is built by open AI.
They also have a phone app
that I've been playing around with it.
You just walk around,
ask it questions and it'll answer you.
Um, there's a freed version.
It's 3.5 is the free version
of the paid version, which I use.
I finally ponied up for it.
It's $20 a month.
That's the most up to date.
And it sounds a lot less like AI.
It's not as rigid.
It's actually more conversational.
BARD is another AI.
That's Google.
We'll also kind of play
around with BARD a little bit today.
This is free., this is also a free version.
It's built by Anthropic.
It's former OpenAI employees
put this together.
Grok is the newest one.
This is Elon Musk's.
You have to pay for this one.
If you are a Twitter or X
premium subscriber, you get access.
I'm not on it yet.
most AI third-party programs.
So if you're going to use an AI program,
it's usually built off of
chat GPT or Bard or, or something like,
or maybe even Claude or Grok someday,
but they're usually using
these big three in the background.
Something important to know
is do not use personal
identification in the
prompts because what,
The crazy thing about AI is
that it uses the
information you put in it
to make it even better.
So don't put your client
information in there
because then you're
essentially giving that away.
It's all open.
All right,
so one thing before we get into
the live demonstration,
here's an example of AI doing cool stuff.
I have one here.
So this is from a Twitter.
So what happened?
This guy, he said, I gave ChatGPT a vision,
the plot vision.
so ChatGPT has this thing where you can
send it pictures and it can analyze it,
He plotted out by hand the
fifth book of Harry Potter,
chapters 13 through 14.
And you can see here the
chapters on the left,
the time of day that the
action was taking place,
and a bunch of little titles, right?
He put that in there, took a picture.
Hi, Kim.
And what he what pumped out was this.
He said, certainly J.K.
Rowling plan planning sheet
for chapters of fifth Harry
Potter book Order of the Phoenix.
So it kind of analyzes it a little bit.
And then it pumped out this.
It took all of Harry Potter's books.
Identified its main plot and mysteries,
school events.
So you have the Sorting Hat, Quidditch,
Forbidden Forest,
Friendships and Rivalries.
So you have the trio,
which is Ron and Hermione and Harry.
And you have Draco.
So Voldemort and Dark Forces.
This was just crazy.
And then Prophecy and Destiny.
So it just outlines those
major themes throughout the books.
Based on just a portion of
book number five,
And it's this image here.
And he said, all right,
just do all of it for all
of Harry Potter's books.
I mean, that's wild.
You could ask,
Google couldn't even pull
this up for you that fast.
And it just generates it for you.
So let's jump in to some
live demonstrations here.
So the way we're going to do
this is I'm going to show
some prompts and then we're
going to see it in action.
All right.
Now, here's the deal.
Here's the deal with prompts.
Some things you want to keep in mind.
The more specific, the better.
In some ways, you're like training AI.
When you say you're training it,
you also want to see if it
like knows what it's
talking about before you go even deeper.
So and I'll explain that and
show you in just a minute.
you want to be specific uh
the target profession or
interest to tailor the
content appropriately so
you want to specify that uh
suggest the types of
content you're interested
in like tips quotes
speaking engagements uh
stories you know giving a
clear direction ask for a
variety of content ensuring
a diverse range of outputs
this will allow you to dive
deeper into a particular
area because you're going
to be like oh I didn't
think about that hmm
Let me go a little bit deeper.
Mention the need for the
content to be engaging and
appropriate for the audience,
which is crucial for social media posts.
And then you can use different voices.
Like you could say,
write this in a kind voice
or write this in a sassy voice.
All right.
Everyone hanging there with me so far?
Let's check the chat here.
Okay, good.
Looks good.
All right.
So let's just start with
social media examples.
Here's the prompt.
Can you provide a list of
social media content ideas
specifically designed for
men in their 50s?
I'm looking for posts.
Thank you, Kim.
I'm looking for posts that
would be engaging, informative,
and appropriate for that audience.
The content should be varied.
Include things like daily tips,
inspirational quotes,
interactive elements like
polls or questions,
short stories or anecdotes
relevant to the field,
educational content,
and any other ideas that
would resonate with
followers interested in
mental health wellness for
engineering managers.
All right.
Very specific.
All right.
I'm going to switch over to chat.
I'm going to go and start a
new chat up here.
This is the interface.
These are all the different
chats I have on the left.
You know, how can I help you today?
And then it kind of has some, you know,
template prompts for you if you want.
I'm going to go ahead and
put in here and we're going
to see what it pumps out.
I'm going to put at the very beginning.
I'll just say something like
you're a mental health
specialist and you can
misspell words in it.
All right,
I'm going to hit enter and this
is what it's going to look
like as it iterates.
Might take a second.
And sometimes you kind of have to stop it.
There you go.
And as that populates,
I'm going to go over here to BARD.
This is Google's and I'm
just going to put in the
same prompt here.
So creating social media
content for men in their 50s,
particularly those in roles
like engineering management,
requires a balance of information,
engaging in age appropriate material.
Here's some ideas.
So you're thinking about content.
Well, what could we do?
Share relatable stories or
antidotes about overcoming
challenges in the workplace,
balancing personality and
professional life or
managing teams effectively.
So it's going to give out
like a bunch of things here.
And we'll see.
This will weekly challenges,
retirement planning,
workplace mental health
strategies like some of
these retirement planning, like maybe,
you know,
but maybe you can prepare
mentally and emotionally
for this transition.
All right.
So what I'm going to say is like, great.
You know, we're training this.
Think of it as like you're
just being a nice conversational partner.
You know exactly what I wanted.
Can you give me specific
examples of each one?
So say, give me specific content examples.
And let's just see, right?
So that's kind of a big overview.
Or you could say,
just give me an example of one of these,
But let's just say what it
can come up with.
Here are some specific content examples,
daily tips.
Start your day with a
five-minute meditation.
It can help you clear your
mind and set positive tone
for the day ahead.
It gives you inspirational quotes.
One from Steve Jobs.
Interactive polls.
So it's giving you examples.
And then you can just dive
in even more and more into these.
We'll see what Bard came up with.
Oh, it waited for me.
Daily tips.
Yeah, very similar inspirational quotes.
And it actually provided it
for you in this one here.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be kindled.
Whoever this guy is.
So yeah, there you go.
That's an example.
Okay, Kim, this is wild.
Yeah, share some of your responses,
what you're thinking here.
It's helpful for feedback.
And Deb,
if you want to jump in with anything,
you can too.
But that's just the first example.
Let's do another one.
Website copy.
All right.
So some of you are like,
I need to put something on my website.
I don't know what to put in there.
So let's put this prompt in.
This is very specific.
You know,
you are a website expert web designer.
Can you outline a therapy
homepage starting with a
header and provide one H1?
This is like SEO related.
for the top section of the
website and H2 titles for
each section below.
The section should include
or a plan to get started with counseling,
and other popular sections
you think would convert clients,
client leads into clients.
The therapist specializes in couples.
Here's some stuff.
Let's ask Bart as well at the same time.
All right.
We'll see what Bart comes up with.
Hero image, right at the top,
a warm and inviting image
of a couple sitting together,
smiling and talking.
H1, nurture your relationship,
couples counseling.
Yep, I would, that's great copy.
That's something I would use.
Call to action,
schedule a free consultation.
It's like it's reading my
own websites that I built.
You know, H2, your next section,
reclaim your connection, right?
Here's some text you can add to it.
I mean, it's just, it's wild.
And this is stuff that I would recommend.
This is not anything that I would not put.
Like here's a checklist.
Comprehensive couples counseling services.
And you put a checklist out.
Look at that.
That's great.
Let's see what chat came up with.
Header, logo of the therapy, navigation.
it's breaking it down for you really
It hasn't provided any copy.
A call to action button.
Oh, here's the copy.
That's like the header navigation menu.
Here we go.
Revitalize your
relationships with expert counseling,
couples counseling.
Not bad.
A brief introduction about
how they can help couples
improve their relationships.
So this is supporting text.
So they're saying basically
write this yourself.
Now you can change that or
ask it to give an example.
So here's your homepage outline.
And then you,
what you could do is you could say,
you can finesse this a little bit,
then hand it to a website
designer and say, do this.
Holy cow.
I might actually be able to
carry out my dream and
still have time to sleep at night.
You know,
sometimes AI gives people
nightmares of its capabilities.
I'm not gonna try to scare anyone today,
but that's, uh, it's a thing.
So those who are group practice owners,
I'm going to do this prompt here.
And this prompt is you are
an HR manager and in charge
of making sure everyone is
in compliance with our
employee policy manual.
Here is a section of our
policy for our private practice.
Can you write an employee
improvement plan based on this policy?
You're like, Brent,
that's really specific use case.
Well, my wife, Mrs. Stutzman,
had to do this.
And so we use chat to kind of figure out,
look, I don't know how to do an employee.
So here's the outline.
So this is the outline of
the from the policy manual we have.
So I'm just going to copy this here.
And I'm going to put this right here.
So here's the copy paste and
we'll just see what happens.
Based on this,
I will draft an employee
improvement plan for a
staff member who has not been consistent,
been consistently adhering
to the guidelines for maintaining.
All right.
So it's going to do an
employee improvement plan.
And this is what you would
put in the Google Doc.
Specific issues,
not failure to ensure the
current treatment plan is in every file.
So this would be a case
study where they're not
doing their notes.
And expected performance.
These are the things here.
Yeah, I love that, Deb.
If you want to put a prompt
in there about teaching a course, like,
let's play around with it.
So it's going to give you a
step-by-step action step, like,
to handle this and what to do.
And at the very end, probably,
I think it will, like,
here are your names to sign.
Consequences of noncompliance.
you can change this language around.
So I'm going to stop this here.
If anybody wants to throw in an idea,
we can play around with that.
Just put it in the chat.
Here's how to write a rejection letter.
I don't have to go through
all these prompts.
Oh, yeah, here.
So, you know, outline.
a 20 minute talk to parents
and how to recognize trauma
in their teenager with a
practice steps on how to
best support them.
So one great way to build
your practice is to do
speaking engagements.
So either that's with schools or whatever,
and you're like, I'm going to be,
I want to talk about this, but I don't,
I just need some help to get started.
So here we are.
You are an expert adolescent therapist.
Can you provide an outline
for 25 minute talk to
parents specifically
designed for parents on how
to recognize trauma in their teenager?
All right.
So I'm not going to read that whole thing.
So let's see what chat can do here.
Yeah, Christian, I can.
all those prompts are on a notion
page and I'll be able to
share that with you.
Oh, Deb, nice.
I'm going to take it.
There you go.
Oh, look, there's the prompt.
So I just need to be able to copy it.
Oops, that's not what I want to do either.
So as that's... I'm not sure
exactly how to... I'm not
able to copy that, but I can talk.
All right, so anyways,
here is the outline.
Recognizing and supporting
traumatized teens.
Understanding and healing.
A parent's guide to
recognize trauma in teenagers.
Here's your introduction.
Interactive elements.
You could do a quick poll.
I mean, look at this.
Conclusion, one minute.
Post-talk optional.
I mean, it's right there.
And then you can just take
that and run with it.
Run with it.
Let's do this thing here for Deb.
I couldn't copy it in.
So you are a college
professor teaching master's
level mental health counseling students.
Please provide.
I know this is riveting
watching me type a syllabus
for the course.
We'll do this here.
All right.
Let's see what happens.
You think about college professors,
it's just save them like
mental health counseling.
Required text.
Add your own books.
Look at that.
Oh, come on.
Look at this.
Yeah, that's awesome.
Where was this when I was teaching?
Yeah, really?
There you go.
Because again,
AI is like a book that has
read everything in the
entire world and is distilling it.
There you go.
Even a disclaimer.
very nice very nice um all
right let's see here
helping okay so this was
really interesting helping
with a diagnosis so I went
in and grabbed a couple I
now maybe this is a test for you all
You are a mental health
expert and I need help
discerning something I saw with a client.
They have been forgetting
about certain time periods,
events and personal information,
feeling uncertain about who
you are and having multiple
distinct identities.
What could this be?
So this is the prompt.
Now, don't give it away.
Maybe wondered if you know what that is.
Let's take this out here.
Based on the symptoms you described,
forgetting about certain time period,
blah, blah,
this could be dissociative
identity disorder, which is right.
I just grabbed a few of those from Google.
And it just outlines it for you.
what's interesting is as that's doing
watch what happens with BARD when I
put it in here.
It might start.
Oh, it actually did it.
Before it started it and
then it erased it and says,
I cannot give you this information,
which is interesting.
It did that before.
So there you go.
All right.
Is there another example you
want to use before I move on?
Oh, live audience.
This is time for you to ask, hey,
can you try this?
Or I'm curious about this.
And Deb,
you can pop back on here and we
can interact a little bit too.
It's amazing, isn't it?
And you know,
I think the nice thing about
it Brent is that you don't have to,
you don't have to use all the stuff,
but I know what it does for
me is that it gives me pause for,
to think about things I
didn't think about before.
Like it gives me ideas of
directions to go in,
even if I'm going to do the
content myself.
Can I,
Can I show you an example of this?
So I had a client come in
and we were filming a video
and he gave it to me like 30 minutes,
the scripts before I was
able to like even read it over.
I was like,
I don't have time to just think
about titles because we had
to redo titles and things like that.
And so I had to, I'd have to find it.
Maybe is this, was this it here?
I was, I was playing around.
I always have to find it,
but I had to go deeper.
Oh yeah.
This is what we were doing.
So let me zoom in here.
So you were a copywriter.
Uh, oh yeah.
Can you turn this paragraph into a,
so he had a paragraph about
what it was about.
And, um,
I said, and it wasn't,
it wasn't very clear.
It's kind of mud.
So I did a couple of things and I was like,
you know what?
Could you actually just
create this into a really
great hook around self-care?
And so I put that in here, that paragraph.
And he says, sure.
And I'm like, awesome.
This is great.
Can you shorten it?
You know,
is self-care buzzword just for you?
And then I was like,
could you then smooth out this paragraph,
which is another part?
Certainly smooth it out a little bit.
Can you finish the sentence
for me and give the context above?
So what happened was he had
a couple questions on here, and I said,
take these questions and
create a catchy blog title
based on those questions.
And I said, all right,
finding the one or taking the next steps,
because his whole thing is like,
how do you know if they're the one,
I said, awesome.
Give me two more examples.
Is it love or a time for a leap?
Decoding Your Relationship's Future,
or From First Spark to Forever,
Mastering the Milestones of
Modern Romance.
Can you position the title
in the negative?
And he said, all right,
avoiding missteps in love.
Are you with the one or rushing ahead?
Love's pitfalls.
Is it reality?
The one or is it really the
one or time to move forward?
And I said, great,
because he had three steps
in his blog post.
All right.
Could you include three steps?
All right.
Three essential steps to determine.
And you just keep iterating.
I was like, oh,
could you include marriage in the title?
All right.
So three crucial steps to
decide it is the true love
time for marriage or time to move on.
And I'm like iterating like this.
I'm like, all right, we're getting closer.
We're getting closer.
That's the one we want.
You know, so it just helps you.
So the more you can master
AI and give it prompts and
have this conversation with it.
It just helps you iterate so fast.
I can't recommend recommend enough.
All right.
Yeah, that's right, Kim.
It's really nice because
you're not starting.
complete with a blank slate.
When I have writer's block,
I just go to this and start
asking questions.
I'm like, oh yeah, great.
And then I can keep writing.
So that is,
I can show a couple more AI tools,
but Deb,
do you have anything to add
before we move on to that next section?
I just wanted to go back to
something Kim had asked and she said,
you know,
it makes you wonder if humans
are going to be obsolete in a few years.
I think that the iteration
that you were talking about
of going back and forth and
asking the questions,
that's going to be the key component,
Because that's going to keep us,
that's going to keep the
tail from wagging the dog.
So I think that as long as
this doesn't contribute to
the dumbing down of society,
we do have a chance to live
a couple more generations.
You know, I always, right.
I always said like therapists and pastors,
those are going to be the
hardest things for robots to, to replace.
And because there's people who still,
I mean, just look at COVID,
like people were okay with
online for a little bit.
And then people really
wanted that in-person human interaction.
People started going back to that.
Now what happens,
Zoom is a lot of people are more of,
uh, okay with telehealth,
but still people do want
another human when it comes
to these most intimate problems,
but there's going to be
some who are okay.
You know,
we're seeing this tested out with, um,
like headway Alma.
I think those are what are like a
better health.
Like there's some automation
built into that.
I think like chat, um, telehealth,
you know,
automated text could be a thing.
So, um,
Let me show a couple other
tools out there that are...
Sorry about that phone call.
Let's jump into... Let me
zoom in here again.
So a couple other AI tools.
One is Perplexity.
This is another great little
spot to just ask some questions.
A little AI tool.
11 labs.
I've not done this yet,
but you can turn text into your speech.
So you upload, um,
your voice samples of your voice,
and then you can send it
text and it will read in
your voice for you.
It's wild.
And you can see examples down here of,
of people doing it.
It sounds pretty good.
Uh, cast magic, turn audio into content,
you know,
service that simplifies the
podcast production process,
very audio tools.
So you could check out that.
That's something I'm
interested in for myself.
So we could just take my
podcast and it can create
content around it.
And then this other one
could be interesting.
I have a client actually
using this in his practice right now.
So it basically,
you record the session that
you are having,
and then it will generate
the note progress notes for
you automatically in the background,
just like that.
He bought it for his whole
team and he's been testing
it out to see if it can
actually speed up the
workflow and how long it
takes to get notes done.
Oh, it's HIPAA compliant.
So, you know,
I think this guy's happy about it.
And then I have a whole list
at the bottom here that
I'll be sharing this of
other AI tools that are out
there that people are using.
I would love some individual
reflections if you want to
put anything in the chat
and any takeaways that you might have.
Yeah, Christian,
I think it just makes us
better in the possibilities.
This is really interesting, Brent.
I know you use it a lot more
than most people I know.
And so I started checking it
out and your recommendation,
and I'm just blown away
every time I use it.
I'm having, you know, as a marketer,
this helps us iterate and
generate really good drafts
within minutes.
We are,
and I'm training my entire team on it.
They all have access to AI
in some capacity.
I say, use it, please use it.
Those who know how to use it
are the ones that will
survive in the end.
No, I don't use the tools.
I'm not seeing any other
questions in there.
Reflections on it.
So if you have a question,
please put it in.
Or if anybody has a prompt.
Or a prompt, yeah.
I'll wait here.
I'll put these QR codes up
here so you can scan.
I'll zoom out just a little bit.
You know, Brent,
I think that part of
growing private practice,
especially a private pay private practice,
is being able to
communicate with your ideal
clients in their language.
And that's why I go back to
one of the first examples
that you used when you were
asking specific questions
about that demographic and
what people are looking for.
You know,
I think it's good for us to speak
directly with these folks
so that we know for sure
this is what they're looking for.
But this is a great place to start.
And if you can ask about how
to word it in a way that it
is compelling.
And that helps, I think,
in a place where a lot of
private practitioners kind
of sit back when they have
to write a webpage or a
flyer or some kind of a
thing that they're going to put out there,
they get nervous about what
they're going to do.
That's right.
So if you can get this
little bit of a push and
with a little bit of confidence,
I think it might help
people to reach the people
they're really looking to
reach in order to build
that private pay practice.
And part of as you build a
private pay practice,
people are wanting to know,
can I trust you?
And you need content around
the problems that you are
solving for these people
because that's how you build trust.
People will consume the
content on your website.
So if you're like,
I'm just stuck on what I
need to write on my website
or just stuck on any of that,
just ask chat and see what
kind of answers they have.
I wanted to show this too because I see...
A question down there we'll get to.
So can you write a rejection
letter to a job applicant
in a sassy voice?
While still maintaining a
level of professionalism.
Oh, honey, where do I even begin?
First off,
kudos to the bravery to apply to the job.
It's not every day we see
someone shoot for the stars with gusto.
Now let's get down to the nitty gritty.
You're probably perched on
the edge of your seat, heart racing,
brace yourself because I'm about to
spill the tea.
and I mean this in the
simplest way possible,
your application was like a decaf coffee.
It just didn't awaken our interest.
We're on the lookout for a
triple shot espresso, bold and robust.
But hey, let's get your spirits down.
Think of it as being a way,
like a trendy top you ordered online.
Super cute, but it's not the right fit.
It's not you, it's us.
Well, maybe it's a little bit of you,
but mostly us.
So, I mean, enjoy.
Yeah, so that's kind of funny too.
All right, let's see here.
Jane, she writes on here, not a question,
but I have been struggling for years.
How to understand I can
carry out my full business
plan when I'm already overloaded.
This may be an answer to
speed up the development.
Super excited.
Yep, Christian,
we'll get a list of all those tools.
If you scan this notion, this here,
this will take you to this
exact page that I'm sharing right now.
And you can have everything
that's on that page, all the links.
Is scanning it the only way to get it,
Brent, or will we send it out as well?
Well, yeah, we can scan, yeah.
Yeah, we can send it out as well.
So if you want to, Deb,
if you want to scan it,
it's just a really long URL.
Here, let me just,
I can probably just put it in here.
I'll put it in the chat.
Oh, that'd be great.
Try that.
I know on the replay,
the chats won't be there,
but you can get that.
That's the Notion page.
But folks will have access to the replay?
I think it'll be open for a replay
for a little bit,
and then we can figure out
a way to download it and
put it on our stuff and
send it out in an email.
Okay, great.
All right.
Let's see here.
I will move.
That is the webinar.
So thank you all for joining.
Oh, 42 minutes.
That went by.
Yeah, it did.
Minus the,
how do I get Deb onto this webinar?
Now we know.
I should ask chat.
All right.
Well, thank you everyone for joining us.
Please avail yourself to all
the resources that are in
the webinar and definitely
go check out if
you're interested in
growing a private pay
practice and also the resources,
the free resources that we
have there too.
So, all right, Deb, good to see you.
Brent, thank you so much.
This was very interesting
and very compelling.
I think people will be on
their computers today.
And hopefully this is the
first of many more webinars to come.
All right.
Thank you.
We'll see you.
All right.
Take care.
Bye, everyone.
Creators and Guests