How to Build a Powerful Sales Funnel for Your Private Practice
All right, welcome in, everybody.
Hop on in.
Wait a minute or two as
people are arriving.
Okay, so I'd love for you,
if you are jumping in,
I'll say this once or twice.
Go ahead and put a one in the chat.
If you're a solo practice,
put a two in the chat.
If you are a group practice,
like one to five clinicians
and a three in the chat,
if you have more than five
clinicians and also just
kind of tell me where
you're coming in from,
if you're able to leave a comment in the,
if there's a chat box for that.
Okay, good.
I've seen some ones.
Hi, Annie, Anthony, Maria, Brian.
Also, yeah,
love to tell me where you're from, too.
One from Michigan.
All right.
More Michiganers.
Thank you.
Hey, Pennsylvania.
I'm originally from Ohio,
but my parents are now in
Pennsylvania by Erie.
They have a beautiful farm
up there that we love to visit.
And California.
Okay, thank you.
this is gonna be a pre recorded webinar.
And so I'm going to jump in
because we have a lot to go
over today and how to grow
or how to build a powerful sales funnel.
Hey, Beth, hello.
And so what I'm going to do
here is a couple house
housekeeping things in order here.
So allow me to start going
through the slides.
I want group practice owners to know
Um, I am putting all along with my friend,
Nate at navigator bookkeeping, a, uh,
group practice scaling summit.
And the really it's,
it's really kind of like a
Ted talk type conference
for a group practice owner.
So it's going to be jam
packed with great content, but also, um,
leaving space for community
and for conversations.
So if you're struggling with
marketing for your practice,
or you're struggling with
like your finances, like,
I don't know if I'm,
I don't know how to read
that profit and loss sheet
or profitability numbers,
or maybe you're struggling
to create operational
systems like around hiring.
How do you hire the right team members,
onboarding new hires, all those things.
We created this group
practice scaling summer to
help solve some of those
problems that are
that are keeping you stuck
and really from scaling your practice.
So that's going to be in
beautiful Oak Park, Illinois,
just right outside Chicago,
April 23rd and the 24th of this year.
I'm going to put a link in the chat.
You can, we'd love to have you join us.
You can go to,
just go to,
go to the summit link there.
Some of the conversations we'll be having,
I'll be talking about three
essential dashboards,
metrics and dashboards that
every practice owner needs.
We're talking about team
culture to retain
clinicians and grow your brand,
how to create an in-house
training program to scale
your clinical team,
Financial numbers and also
Dr. Kathy Kelly is going to
talk about how to offer
intensive retreats to scale
your practice is like another offering.
so please check that out if you're a
group practice owner and
wanting some community and
some information around
strategies and how to get
unstuck in those areas that
are preventing you from
growing your practice.
The other thing is today's
webinar is sponsored by Therasas.
This is a CRM just for therapists.
It's really the stage.
It's the software that you
need right before clients
go into your EHR so you can
quickly qualify, connect,
and close client leads and
to kind of organize all
those leads that are coming in.
Post-it notes and scrap
sheets of paper and even convoluted,
complicated Google Sheets don't really...
help clients not fall through the cracks.
It can get very confusing.
So at the end of the webinar,
I'm going to share a little
bit more about TheraSAS and
how it can help organize
that whole upfront intake
process for your practice.
All right.
So let's jump in.
So what do practice owners want?
So as a practice owner,
you want a predictable
pipeline of new client
leads coming to your practice,
and you want to invest your
marketing dollars wisely in
the areas that you need it most.
The problem is that we're
looking to at least try to
solve today is that many
practice owners don't have
a sales funnel to
consistently drive client
leads to your practice,
or that they have a sales funnel,
but it's broken and they
don't know how to fix it.
it's also just kind of confusing
where to allocate those
precious marketing dollars that you have.
Even worse,
marketing today just isn't easy
for practice owners.
Showing up on the first page
of Google when clients need
your services has been
really a vital channel for
growing a practice these past 20 years.
Private practices face even
more competition from big
directory sites like Psychology Today,
Thriveworks, Good Therapy,
and even telehealth
companies like Better Health, Headspace,
Talkspace, Alma,
and like a half dozen more.
Those big behemoth of
websites tend to push
smaller private practice
websites down on Google's
organic search results.
I've seen it in my own work,
my work with practice owners.
And what this new reality
means is now more than ever,
Practice owners need to have
a powerful sales funnel
that incorporates both a
digital and organic
strategies to be working
for them 24 seven to stand
out from the competition
and attract their ideal client.
So here's the reality for
most practice owners today
is that if you don't have a sales funnel,
you won't grow.
And when I partner with
practice owners to scale up
their businesses,
My ultimate goal for them is
really to become the number
one trusted private
practice in their community
for that particular niche
that they serve.
And I want to do that quickly,
which means I need to build
out a sales funnel.
And today I'm going to give
you an inside look into my
playbook and how I do that.
So here we go.
How to create a powerful
sales funnel for your private practice.
And this really kind of
starts about seven years ago.
Seven years ago,
my wife came home and she
was getting her hours at
the agency she was working at.
She was a she's a therapist.
And as she was kind of
getting towards the end of that journey,
she said,
I want to start my own private practice.
I want to focus on kids and
I want it to be 100 percent private pay.
Now, at the time,
my wife was six months
pregnant with our son,
as you see there in the
tiny little tiny simian there.
She was six months pregnant with him.
We had twin girls who were two years old.
I didn't have a marketing degree.
I never started a business before.
We didn't have money to pay
someone to build us a
website or a sales funnel.
I didn't even know what a
sales funnel was.
We lived in Chicagoland to be near family,
and we couldn't really make
it on my salary alone as
our family was growing.
And we were really just
starting from scratch.
This business was starting from scratch,
but we had to make it work.
So I...
went down the rabbit hole of
branding and marketing and
wake up at four in the
morning with like anxiety,
but having these ideas that
I needed to write down,
like how we can market.
I knew we had to have video
as part of our marketing strategy,
as part of our sales funnel.
So I had to learn video and
cameras and editing and
building websites and SEO and WordPress,
all those things.
And so for several months,
I obsessed over that.
And today,
Um, there's my lovely family.
There's a Christmas card today.
A kid matters.
Counseling has a group is a group practice,
nine clinicians,
a hundred percent private
pay million dollar in
revenue and about 3000 email subscribers.
And that's grown.
I think we're almost up to 4,000 now.
And since then I've gone on to launch, um,
over 12 other private
practices across the
country with other practice owners,
really establishing the sales funnels,
the backbone of scaling their practices.
And my mission, really,
and you're part of that
just being here today,
is my mission is to help launch, grow,
and scale 10,000 private
practices by 2030.
And I do that through a
business called Play Therapy Toolbox,
which is education for play therapists,
which I mentioned at the beginning,
the CRM, private pay practice program,
and then my services side,
Brand Your Practice.
And for myself,
I consider myself really
kind of a full stack marketer.
I've done all the things,
which is why I'm going to
be sharing some of those
strategies in this webinar.
I'm also a full stack content creator.
So I've done YouTube videos, vlogging,
branded newsletters, all the things.
And I hope to bring that to
bear and that information with you today.
And I'm also a certified
story brand guide.
All right.
So the plan is to teach you
the basic elements of a
sales funnel and what you
need to do to get started.
The second half of our time
is we'll do a little bit of Q&A,
but I'm gonna give away a
ton of free resources that
I mentioned in this webinar.
And then the third,
if you wanna stay around,
I'd love to give a live
demo of Therasas and also
offer some special pricing
for those attending this
webinar for the month of February, okay?
So that is the plan.
All right,
let's talk about creating your
sales funnel.
All right,
so the sales funnel is really a
marketing strategy that
guides potential customers
through a series of steps
with the end goal of really
converting them into paying clients.
A sales funnel includes
three major components, curiosity,
enlightenment, and commitment.
The first stage there in the
curiosity stage, your client is asking,
can you solve my problem?
And the alignment stage,
if they move down into the
funnel a little bit, if they answer yes,
they're then going to be asking,
can I trust you?
And if they get down to the
commitment stage, if they say, yes,
I trust you, that they're going to say,
all right,
how do I schedule an appointment?
How do I give you my money, essentially?
So there's really three sales funnel.
I have to dive into this even more.
But the three main sales
funnel assets are a brand message,
a website, at least a homepage,
right on your website, and then a link.
that you use to talk about
the problems you solve for your clients.
And I'll share more about that shortly.
The website is really,
if you have a well-designed,
scannable website talking
about the problems you help
solve and the services you offer,
that's going to do well for
converting clients.
And then of course,
the lead generator and email campaign.
And the lead generator is
really just a free resource
you can give away to
capture somebody's email
address and then nurture
that relationship through some automation,
email automation.
because not everyone's ready
to schedule an appointment
when they visit your website.
All right, so let's jump in here.
Every potential client is
asking when they engage with your brand,
can you solve my problem?
The curiosity stage in the
sales funnel is about
peaking the potential
client's interest by
answering their most
pressing questions about
the problem they are trying to solve.
If you can succinctly and
clearly answer the question,
can you solve my problem?
You've hooked that potential
client and they're gonna
move down in the sales
funnel into the enlightenment stage.
And you'll see here that I
have the website in the middle.
It's like the backbone.
It's the website focus of
your sales funnel.
And then on to the right,
I have marketing channels.
So how you're going to be
driving traffic and
interest over to your website.
But right now,
we're just going to be
focusing on the main part
of the sales funnel, the backbone,
which is like your website.
So let's talk a little bit
about your brand message first.
So what is a brand message?
A brand message is kind of
like a movie script.
No movie is created without a script.
The screenplay or the movie
scripts provide words that
will give directions for the movie.
You know, where's the action?
You know,
is there a mystery or is there
suspense here?
Scripts also detail how many
actors are needed.
They provide guidance and
inspiration on set design,
location shooting, costume design,
what type of lighting might be needed,
even props.
A producer will not hire a director, actor,
set designer, special effects teams,
anybody until they have that script.
Every movie starts with a script.
It's the words that provide
the foundation for a blockbuster hit.
So imagine if you try to
make a movie without a script.
Imagine that.
It'd just be this tremendous
waste of time because you
don't have any guardrails
in place to create a movie.
Your brand message plays the
same part in your marketing
and in your sales funnel.
So many practice owners will
create a website without
having a clear brand message.
And that's why you have so
many confusing therapy
websites out there.
And if you confuse,
this is what Donald Miller
says from StoryBrand, if you confuse,
you will lose.
You're going to lose those
client leads and that potential revenue.
Your brand message is the
script to design a
beautiful website that
actually communicates with
words the problems you
solve and how you can
improve your client's life.
Your brand message is the
basis for your sales funnel
and all of your marketing.
And I have a free resource
on how you can get started
with that brand message at
the end of this webinar.
And if you want to dive
deeper into branding,
I encourage you to take a
look at Building a Story
Brand by Donald Miller.
And I'll have a link to that
resource as well.
Okay, so let's talk about your homepage.
Your homepage will serve as
the main asset for your sales funnel.
So you're going to take your brand message,
those words, right?
And you're going to start populating,
filling out your homepage
with some of the snippets
from your brand message.
And for the curiosity stage in particular,
you need to have a clear
header and at the very top
of your website on your homepage.
And this is where you have
three seconds to answer the
critical question,
can you solve my problem?
And therapists rarely
mention on their header
that they're actually
counselors and therapists.
So let me dive into a little bit here.
We call this the grunt test.
You have three seconds for
that potential client to answer,
can you solve my problem, right?
So you need to have on your header,
you know, can they answer the question?
What does your private practice do?
How you can help your client?
How can the client get help?
And what is that action they
need to take in order to
get started with counseling?
So if you were to kind of
think about your website right now,
right at the very top,
does it clearly state what you do?
Does it clearly state how you can help?
And does it clearly state
how they can get started
with an appointment?
And if you don't answer these questions,
people are gonna leave your website.
You only have like three to
five seconds to do this.
And so you can't have a lot
of gobbledygook.
You have to have a clear and
simple design.
So I'm going to show you
some examples of that.
So this is my wife's website,
Kid Matters Counseling,
right at the very top.
We are child therapists
counseling children ages 2 to 12.
And then how do we help?
We have this little benefit down here,
a little benefit stack.
Less anxiety and worry.
Manage big emotions.
Confidently parent your child.
And then you can see that
there's a call to action
button that says schedule appointment.
Here's another one of my clients,
right at the top.
Counseling for a more connected family.
Experienced family therapist
and counselors.
Schedule an appointment.
You literally have three
seconds because you're like,
you're just basically answering, you know,
when the client comes to your website,
the client lead, like,
am I in the right place?
Can you help solve my problem?
So having very clear
language at the very top is
going to be really
important for your website on that header,
So let's talk a little bit
about marketing channels
and how to drive traffic
and client leads to your website.
So there's a ton of choices, but if, again,
when I start launching
or scaling up a practice
with a practice owner,
I'm focusing on these two things,
Google business profile and
word of mouth referrals.
So what do I mean by this?
If it's a new website,
it hasn't been around for a while,
it's gonna take six months
to start showing up on page
one of Google if you do your SEO right.
So one way that you can
leapfrog that is if you
have a strong Google business profile,
because you can start to
rank locally and organically.
So that's going to be really important.
The second one is word of mouth referrals.
You have to have a system in
place to get those word of
mouth referrals,
people referring clients to you.
That's why I think the
organic and the digital
side have to be working together.
A few months ago,
there was a massive drop in
people with new appointment
requests across the country.
A lot of my clients saw
significant drops that were
primarily digital.
If they didn't have a strong
word of mouth referral,
they saw that drastically.
And, you know,
there was a little fear and
trepidation there.
But for those who have a
strong word of mouth referrals,
they've been building those relationships,
building those trusted relationships.
They barely saw the dip
because both were working in tandem.
Okay, so a couple action items here.
Create your brand message.
And the second one is to
update your homepage header.
And I have, I'll show you a couple here.
I have a bunch of resources here.
Here's a free resource I'm
going to give you is brand
script template and a video script.
So this is what I work with
my clients on how to create
a clear brand message using story,
which is a wonderful exercise.
And so I'll be giving you
all a link to all these
resources at the end.
The second one is a homepage
wireframe template.
This is like an
architectural drawing of your homepage.
So you can take that brand message,
start putting the words in
the right places,
and then send it over to
your website designer to
make you a beautiful website.
But again,
it all starts with the brand message.
All right, and then I have updated this,
the ultimate website
checklist for therapists.
So yeah,
just a checklist to make sure
everything's in the right place.
And let's see here.
I'm going to get to
questions in just a minute,
so start lining them up and
I'll take a minute to
answer a couple of questions.
But let's talk about how to
allocate some of your money,
your precious marketing dollars.
I think there's really three
stages to growing a
practice and scaling it.
The first is the child stage.
And that is all about survival.
And so you're focusing on marketing,
getting those client lead numbers up,
getting clients into your
business and getting cash
flow going because cash flow is survival.
And so that's really around
creating awareness and
curiosity about your practice.
So I just put on the side
here kind of like a sales
funnel that might cost you $200.
Again, these are all approximate.
You can spend a lot of money on this.
You can spend a little bit.
And so this is sort of like a baseline.
I'm saying like 500 bucks a month.
You have a couple one time.
costs in there uh but
focusing on networking uh
google ads is going to be
helpful it's not a silver
bullet um but it is helpful
to drive at leads to your
website because if it's a
new website it's going to
take a long time to rank
organically and you need to
get traffic there so and
maybe a psychology today
profile or another
directory site could be helpful
All right,
so since I don't have a webinar
partner to help me with this,
I'm going to jump over to
the chat if there's any questions.
And if you do,
go ahead and throw one in there.
I don't see any at the moment.
But if you have a question,
go ahead and take a second,
and I'll get a little sip of water here.
Throw a question in there for me.
I am not,
either the chat's not updating or
there's just no questions
and I can keep going.
All right,
so let's go ahead and keep going then.
All right,
so let's go to the enlightenment stage.
So this is stage two,
the enlightenment stage.
They are asking, can I trust you?
So far, they're like, hey,
you solved my problem.
I think you can solve my problem.
Now, can I trust you?
So let's talk about some
website assets that can
start building that trust
and then get people down
further into the commitment stage.
Uh, actually I'll take a pause here.
Do you work with coaches too?
Uh, yes and no,
I'll do private one-to-one coaching.
but this sales funnel will work
absolutely for coaches.
Um, okay.
So the first thing that you
could be thinking about is blog writing.
So we all know blog is a
powerful tool to build
trust with potential clients,
but only if you write about
the problems they are trying to solve,
it positions you as an
authority and trusted guide.
And it's also great for SEO.
I years ago,
I was trying to earn the
business of a local engineering firm.
And the owner's like, you know, I was like,
hey, let's build out your sales funnel.
And he's like, well,
I already have a newsletter
and I write about my cat.
And he's like,
a lot of people open up the newsletters.
I get a high open rate when
I write about my cat.
I was like, well, I don't think you have,
that might just be your
family members because
people actually don't care
about your cat.
They care about the problems
that you are trying to solve for them.
So if you're going to write
blog posts and even newsletters,
write about the problems that you solve,
you can solve for them.
The next one is having a few
videos on your website to
go a little deeper and how
you can provide therapy and help them.
You could take
the brand message template,
and turn that into a video script.
Video is, I have found,
it is the fastest way for someone to know,
like, and trust you, hands down.
But this is a huge
opportunity for you because
very few therapists and even coaches,
they don't use video.
And so this is an easy way
for you to stand out from
the competition.
it doesn't have to be high quality
It's really the words that
come down that you're
speaking on that video.
So I think you should have
three types of video.
You should have a homepage video,
which is just an overview
and how you guide clients
into mental wellness.
This is essentially your brand message.
Just use that free brand
message script that I mentioned.
I think if you're a group practice,
you should have videos for
individual clinicians
because people shop for
their therapists like they
do Amazon products.
They want to try it on.
So I have a client and they
just hired another clinician.
So I'm going to be flying
out there with all of my
video equipment and filming
some videos with them.
And what we have found is
the established clinicians are there.
People are naming,
I want to work with these
so-and-so people.
It's because they already
have videos on their
website and they haven't
been wanting to work with
this other clinician
because they're consuming
video content and they
trust the ones with the video.
So I'm flying out there
quick to start filming some videos.
I think you should also have
a thank you video.
So after someone raises
their hand and schedules an
appointment with you,
they fill out a form, whatever, you can
Redirect them to another
page on your website and just say, hey,
thank you so much for
taking this courageous step
and seeking help.
Here are the next steps that
you need to be thinking
about as we get ready for
therapy to begin.
Something like that.
Just something very simple,
acknowledging the
courageous step and what to expect next.
Another one is Google reviews.
People, like I said,
people shop for their
therapists like Amazon products.
They want to see five-star reviews.
It's just the way it is.
Social proof builds trust.
Again, they're asking, can I trust you?
And Google reviews will help
answer that question.
I know you can't ask for Google
reviews from clients.
for many of you just ethically it's
against your ethic rules,
all those things, right?
So what are you going to do?
Well, you can ask other colleagues,
ask other therapists,
ask people from graduate school.
I don't know people who can
speak to your counseling skills.
Maybe that's friends.
If you're speaking at, uh,
if you're doing a speaking engagement,
ask the host to leave you a Google review,
Just find ways to get Google reviews.
You're going to be really
important in building that trust.
The next one,
let's talk about the email newsletter.
So a lot of you are on this
webinar because you read my
email newsletter in some way, right?
I sent out an email.
So a branded email
newsletter is really just
regular communication sent
to your subscribed audience.
And you can feature blog
posts if you've written.
You could have easy, like,
short tips and tricks around websites
mindfulness or whatever.
You could also introduce new
hires that you've hired, uh,
to your email list and just
other valuable content.
So by consistently
delivering valuable content
and personalizing that communication,
a branded email newsletter
can play a huge role in
building trust with
potential clients and even
existing clients.
So if you want, um, uh,
many of you have already
subscribed to my newsletter,
but you can kind of,
you can take what I've done and you can,
reverse engineer that a
little bit and start to
build trust with those in
your email group.
And I'll tell this, like,
I'll show this in a little bit,
but Therasas can also
replace your constant
contact or MailChimp.
It can act as your email
newsletter provider.
I'll say this one before we
do some action items and
we'll get into more questions.
So I shared with my wife, Susan,
she owns Kid Matters,
and she gets told all the
time from parents in our
community and a lot of
places that they read her newsletter.
And we had someone over for
dinner not too long ago,
my son and the friend's son.
They were friends.
So we was like, hey,
we'll come over for dinner.
We'd love to get to know the parents more.
So we had this really lovely dinner.
And towards the end of dinner,
one of the parents said, you know,
I actually,
I read your newsletter and I
watch all your videos.
They're really helpful.
And I was like, well,
that's funny because we
just had this long
conversation just getting
to know each other.
But actually the person at
the dinner table knew my
wife for over a year just
by consuming her content.
So that people read it.
People read the newsletter
if you're writing about how
you can help solve their problems.
The next one is going to be
a lead generator.
So a lead generator...
is a tool that captures
potential clients' contact
information in exchange for
something of value, like an ebook,
a checklist.
Like, for example,
you had to register for this webinar,
so you gave your email in
order to either watch the
replay or to be a part of this live.
It can also be like a mini
course or a free consultation.
So it's important in a sales
funnel because it allows
practice owners to build
their email list and
nurture those client leads
into paying clients.
So everyone who visits your
website isn't always ready
to schedule an appointment.
A lead generator allows you
to capture their email
address so you can nurture
a relationship with them through email.
And a lot of that's 100% automated.
So when they are ready to
schedule an appointment to
buy your services,
they're going to choose you
instead of the competition
because you've been slowly
building that relationship with them.
So let me give you a couple
examples of what lead
generators could look like.
So this is one of my main lead generators,
marketing for therapists.
It's a simple checklist.
You can have checklists around how to,
well, actually, let me show you this.
Well, actually,
this is what the lead
generator looks like on the
inside a little bit.
You can see that.
I have some quotes and
something that's very simple.
You can easily create this on Canva.
This is Kid Matters main lead generator,
15 signs of childhood
anxiety and how to help.
And they just put their
email in and then they get this guide.
And inside it,
there's a checklist and
how-tos and all the other things.
But now we have their email
and we can email them.
So action items, create a lead generator.
This is easier to do now
more than ever that you
have AI to help you write these,
artificial intelligence,
and you have Canva.
Really simple.
You create something very beautiful,
very simply.
And the other one is to
systemize referral outreach
and networking.
I keep coming back to this
organic side of growing a
part of your sales funnel.
Just continually to reach
out to referral sources.
So here,
some free resources at the end of
this webinar.
You're going to get the
Canva template of my wife's
lead generator.
So you can take that and
redesign it however you want.
I'm going to give you access
to a referral source tracking template.
So again, to nurture those relationships,
you need to keep track of them.
How many times are they referring to you?
How many times you've
reached out to them with a
thank you note or I want to
take you out for coffee and
get to know you.
And then the other one is a
webinar that Dr. Deb Legge
and I did through our
private pay practice programs,
how to grow your practice
with word of mouth marketing.
So I will link all those two
at the end of this webinar.
All right.
One last thing, teen stage real quick.
So how do I allocate
marketing dollars and resources?
So the teen stage is really
about stability.
You might have three or five
clinicians during this stage,
and it's really kind of
building out further your
marketing and sales system.
So I'm going to say,
let's say it's 1500 bucks a month, right?
So you're,
your child marketing budget.
So you're taking some things
over from your child marketing budget.
So let's say 500 bucks a month,
maybe do some local sponsorships like you,
uh, you,
you sponsor a local T-ball team
or something.
Maybe you need a part-time
intake coordinator, uh,
to help start organizing
all those leads that are coming in.
Cause that's usually the
first hire that a practice owner makes,
regardless if you're a
group practice owner or not,
is that intake coordinator,
that sales position, um,
that in order to organize
and help schedule appointments,
that initial appointment.
And then consider maybe Therasas.
I'll be sharing a little bit
more as an intake and marketing CRM.
having that part of your tech stack.
So I think every system
probably needs a software with it.
So just like your financial
systems will have
QuickBooks or FreshBooks or
something like that,
your operations and your
clinical work is going to have an EHR,
like Simple Practice or Jane.
And just like your sales and
marketing needs a software.
And that's where I think Therasas fits in.
All right.
So let me jump over to some questions.
I'll read some of the,
I saw some that came in and
any questions around enlightenment.
do you have any thoughts about creating
an app?
Uh, yes.
Uh, there's asses is an app, but, um,
it all depends if the app
actually helps solves a problem.
So, um,
Software and apps is a very tricky thing,
but that's sure.
Jill, yes,
there will be a replay and
you'll get an email about that.
Sorry about your emergency
and I hope everything turns out okay.
Let me do this so my face is
shown a little bit more.
Are your videos posted on
YouTube and your website?
Yes, I have a ton of videos.
I'm building out my YouTube channel now.
It's another great thing to consider.
It's a search engine and
it's owned by Google.
Number two search engine.
And I also,
but here's the other thing is I use a,
I use Vimeo to post my
videos on my website
because YouTube's going to
show recommended videos
that aren't going to be
yours when people visit your website.
And that's like a big exit button.
They're going to get distracted.
Like, Ooh, you know, smiley,
happy cats playing with one
another and kittens.
And then,
and then they're off your website.
So I use Vimeo to keep my
videos a bit more private.
Part-time intake VA here
with a mental health
background who works with therapists.
Okay, there you go.
Hi, Helya.
How do you use TheraSAS and Jane?
That's another,
you can schedule a call and
I can make that work, but Jane is an EHR,
so that's really more your
operations side and your clinical work.
TheraSAS is really a CRM
that's focused on the very,
before they get into your EHR,
so your marketing.
Because not everyone who comes to you,
not everyone who wants an
appointment is going to be
a good fit for your practice.
So the TheraSAS helps qualify that.
Please discuss the logistics
of the lead generator
website placement platform
for the forms and email.
I'm going to show this.
I didn't realize that.
Hey, there we go.
Website platform for the forms and email.
Once they opt in and download the freebie,
then what?
Okay, so here's how this works.
You can have lots of different pop-ups,
exit intent.
After like 30 seconds,
something can pop up or scroll depth,
how far they scroll down your website.
There's lots of different triggers,
they call that,
that will trigger the pop-up.
Or you could just have it
embed on your homepage
where they can just subscribe that way.
It doesn't have to be a pop-up.
I typically put it towards
the bottom if you're gonna
have an inline embed there.
The platform for forms and email.
So TheraSAS is definitely an
option for that.
You could also use MailerLite.
Most email service providers
like MailerLite and
MailChimp will have forms
for you to be able to do
that and capture emails.
And once they opt in and
download the freebie, then what?
Then you put them on an
email drip campaign.
So you could send them blog posts, videos,
It can be as long as you want.
If some of you have
downloaded my marketing PDF,
then you will be getting 10
to 12 emails from me about
all the different ways you
can market your practice.
And I'm just helping you solve problems,
marketing problems.
How do you recommend to get
people to your website to
collect the leads?
That's kind of like, like I said,
the marketing channels here on the list,
uh, word of mouth, networking, Google ads,
Google business profile.
Um, that's how I would get started.
You could,
you could add more like a
podcast if you want or social media.
I typically don't do social media,
lots of reasons around that, but, um,
Speaking engagements is huge.
I highly recommend trying to
get in front of people to
do speaking engagements.
Let's see,
how do you cultivate referrals
when your practice is
entirely telehealth and it
does not focus on local?
Okay, yeah, that's a good question.
Yeah, so that's really difficult.
So you could try to connect
with other people in your
state because it's all about trust,
So how are you going to be
building trust with other
people who would refer to
you if you're just all telehealth?
The other thing is you could
try to connect locally with people,
although you're telehealth.
Um, but rather statewide clientele.
There's gotta be Facebook
groups out there that will
allow you to connect.
If not,
you're going to have to work hard
at a directory service and
just try to find a low,
like a densely populated area.
Um, or maybe a place that's close to you.
so a psychology today or something
like that.
How do you recommend people
to get website?
All right.
So those are all very good questions.
Thank you for those.
Let's keep going.
All right.
All right, hold tight.
Access to these 17 plus
resources in just a few minutes.
All right, this is the shortest one.
This is the commitment stage.
So as the final stage of the
funnel is where you wanna
make it as easy as possible
for that client to schedule
an appointment or schedule
some sort of a consultation
if that's part of your process.
So you want a big fat call
to action button on your
website on the top right hand corner.
several places on your
homepage throughout your
website where they can say
yep I'm ready to give you
my money and start
counseling so I would just
recommend reviewing your
website do you have that
big fat call to action
button it's that's a color
that stands out a bit maybe
that's uh that button could
be a phone call too if you
have a full-time intake
coordinator and you want to
get people on the phone go
for it make that button
turn into a phone call
usually filling out an intake form is
my preferred, uh,
main call to action since
it allows practice owners
to capture the necessary
information upfront and to
qualify that client.
A simple form can do that
for you instead of having
to be on the phone all the
time and seeing if they
actually might be a good fit.
You could get information on
a form to qualify that client right away.
So, um, as we are coming in down here,
so action items, uh,
clear call to action on a website.
And then the next action is
to track new leads.
So I'm going to give you
some resources around that.
So in that resource packet
I'll be sending you is a client tracker.
So this is a Google two years ago.
This is what the majority of
my clients were using
before I developed and
started utilizing their SaaS.
But this is a Google Sheet
that you can have to help
put that information in and
organize new client leads.
And of course,
I wanted to talk a little
bit about TheraSass.
I'll do a demo here in just a minute.
But it's really just an
intake and marketing CRM,
a client or customer
relationship management
software designed for therapists.
My wife was like, look, Brent,
we cannot handle a Google
Sheet with 70 to 100 client
leads on it in the wait list.
It was just so confusing.
Clients were falling through the cracks.
So if this is you and you
want a better way to
organize client leads,
they don't fall through the
cracks and you want to be
able to qualify and
communicate with them quickly,
build in some automation,
build out maybe even your
newsletter email list.
I think you should go to and check it out.
And I'll show you some of
that stuff shortly.
All right, so here's the adult stage.
Where do we put marketing dollars, right?
So the adult stage is really
all about sustainability.
And your revenue is probably
going to be between
$350,000 to $1 million in revenue.
And marketing really has
this flywheel effect.
And at this stage,
your marketing flywheel should be really,
really rolling for you.
The sales funnel is generating leads.
The sales and intake team
are converting them into paying clients.
The practice owner's new
focus is to widen that
brand moat that they have
and extend their influence
into the communities that
they serve through maybe public speaking,
podcasting, social media,
even creating an e-course.
They can do what they want
because that pipeline of
new leads is coming in.
So you're going to have your
child and teen budget,
those things that are
continually allowing to
drive traffic to the website,
to your sales funnel.
Maybe you need a full-time
intake coordinator or maybe
you need a marketing virtual assistant.
So those are just kind of
some rough numbers is what
you're thinking about
marketing as you are
scaling up your practice.
I will skip the brand mode for now.
So, all right,
a couple of concluding thoughts.
It all starts with your sales funnel.
Create a clear brand message.
Design a simple and clear website.
Develop a lead generator to
capture emails and nurture
the relationship with email.
Use marketing channels so
that you can scale it to the moon.
Focus on the Google business.
Focus on the word of mouth
referral sources.
Here's the thing.
People will recommend your
services if they trust you.
People will buy your
services if they trust you.
And a sales funnel is the
most effective way to build trust.
And I said that.
All right.
So you can scan that QR code.
I'm going to put this link, slash
sales funnel resources in
the chat for you there.
So you can download all
those resources that I
shared with you today,
the brand message template,
Canva lead template
generator on the ultimate
website checklist guide,
email based course on how
to turn calls into clients,
a podcast based course on
how to grow a private pay practice.
I mean, I just, and all the,
all the things.
So it's sort of the mother
load of all the resources that I have.
You can find on my website in one shot.
So go to that website, check it out,
go to that link.
All right.
So we have,
probably yes facebook groups
are filled with other yes
therapists and on
telehealth and are seeking
those yeah facebook group
might be the best for full
telehealth people full
telehealth people those who
are mostly telehealth there
is the resource there okay
so uh let's jump now let me
get my next slide here yeah
any other questions
We got a little bit of time.
If you have any questions on
the full sales funnel,
you could take a screenshot
of that if you'd like.
I am thinking if you want to
put a comment in the
Facebook or in the live stream,
I'm thinking about breaking this down.
I could break this down into even more.
give me more examples on
marketing channels and
having conversations around that.
This is just a real high level webinar to,
to help you start thinking
about what a sales funnel
is because most practice
owners don't have one or
the one they have could be broken.
So yeah, any other, um, so informative.
Thank you.
You're welcome, Debra.
Thank you for that.
You're welcome.
it's like stuff I wish I knew or I
had a place to find these
things right when we were
launching a private
practice so many years ago.
All right, so another great webinar.
Thank you.
My mind is still running.
Oh, yeah, Anthony.
Oh, good.
You went to the AI one.
Thank you.
I'm glad it blew your mind a little bit.
Yeah, AI is just getting started.
Just getting started.
Thank you, Carrie.
Appreciate that.
I got to get used to putting
these up on the live stream here,
the little bubble.
All right.
So yeah, and you're welcome.
you're welcome for all those resources.
All right.
So yeah, you know, full disclosure,
like my goal is to provide
you with all the resources
to scale your practice.
So you'd either want to
partner with me down the
road to scale it up even more or,
you know, buy Therasass.
Oh, there goes my,
I did the thumb thing again.
Why does it do that?
All right.
So let me talk a little bit
about Therasas.
I'd love to be able to show
you a couple things here.
So thank you for attending the webinar.
I'm going to stop sharing my
screen and do another one here.
So again,
TheraSaaS is really a combination
of tech coming together
that's HIPAA compliant.
I wanted to see here, bring this over,
share a little bit about,
because it's been really
helpful for practice owners.
Okay, can you see that all right?
Okay, good.
So what is TheraSaaS?
Really the heart of TheraSaaS
Thank you.
Yes, you're welcome.
The heart of TheraSAS is
really the forms that you take.
So for example,
there's a lot of clients
who start to fall through
the cracks when you have a
lot of intakes coming in,
people wanting appointments.
And even if you have a
wonderful intake coordinator,
it can get overwhelming.
And you have these
color-based Post-it notes
or Google Sheets.
And so the problem we were coming up with,
clients were falling through the cracks.
We were not responding to
them quickly because, you know,
the faster you can respond to them,
the sooner they'll stop looking for,
you know, other therapy practices,
the competition, because they're like,
all right, I've landed.
So, like,
there's got to be some automation
built in.
It'd be great if we had some
transparency into the actual therapy.
process the intake process
so a lot of times if they
fill out a form on your
website it goes to an email
and the practice owner may
not even see it um the
intake coordinator gets it
and then you don't really
have insight to how like
how they're communicating
are they following up in a
timely manner like there's
just no transparency into
the whole process so we
were trying to call like uh
especially because a lot of
vas and intake coordinators are remote
and they're not in the office with you.
So trying to get some, like,
we gotta figure these new
problems out as you're
growing a private practice.
Let me do this here.
So I wanted to show you a little bit.
The way we're able to solve this is,
what Therese asked, is we have a form,
and this is a form that we
put on the website.
And you can ask any question
you want to help qualify them.
you want to be able to qualify them
right up front.
See if they're a good fit
because you don't want to
be wasting time.
You don't want to be paying
your intake coordinator
time trying to answer these questions.
You want to get it right up front.
Are they a good fit for the practice?
If not, let's refer them out.
If they are,
let's connect them with a
therapist and then you can
move them into the EHR.
So you can ask them all sorts of questions,
insurance information, all that.
And what that could look
like is it's a form that just,
it's a piece of code and
you put it right on your website.
All right.
And this speeds up that
initial process so fast.
And they're going to be consenting.
you can send me text messages and emails.
Another great way is how
would you like to receive
our would you like to
receive our best mental
health advice in your email?
Like I want to subscribe to
your newsletter.
If their SaaS isn't your
newsletter program,
let's say it's MailerLite or whatever,
you can now have consent
and you can put them into
your newsletter.
somewhere else.
And the other one I really
love about this is not from
a marketing side is how did
you hear about us?
You want to be able to
capture that referral
source information right up
front if you can.
So it's doing a couple of things.
It's qualifying the client,
but it's also getting some
important marketing information too.
And then what happens is
once they fill out the form,
they go into what we call
the digital pipeline.
I'm going to bring this over here.
Not digital pipeline, the visual pipeline.
And so when they fill out a form,
you're going to see this pipeline.
You can organize this
pipeline however you want,
right up at the top.
And let's say Tony Stark,
he fills out a form and
you'll see it right here and then
Let's say you want to leave a note.
You have a conversation.
We know that Tony Stark's
got daddy issues.
Let's say the intake
coordinator needs to write
a few more notes about that individual.
They could put it right here.
You can also assign tasks to like,
you could either automate
those tasks or they can
assign tasks to your intake team,
whatever it might be.
So you're at least keeping a
track of the individual and
what they need.
Let's click into Tony Stark.
So here is what I call the unified inbox.
So if you have your phone
number through TheraSAS,
you can make phone calls.
You can see there's an outbound call here.
You can do text messaging.
He's like, yeah, you know,
I'm still in for therapy.
I'm just waiting on Pepper
Potts to make sure she's open for it.
And the real fun thing is about Therasas,
as soon as, let's say, Tony,
he submits that form,
someone submits a form,
you can create an automation that says,
this is the intake team at Acme
Private Practice.
Thanks for submitting your
new appointment requests.
So my team's going to get
back to you as soon as possible.
So that whole conversation
from phone calls, text messages,
and emails are all right here.
You can send an email, say, hello, Tony.
And you can send that there
and it'll show up right there.
You can continue to leave
notes for them right here.
Let's say it's a task.
we know we got to verify their insurance.
Or you can leave a note here.
So that's just a little bit
of the unified inbox and
how that allows
transparency into the process.
Let's say your intake
coordinator goes on
vacation or you go on
vacation and someone else
needs to step in.
They have the whole
conversation right there
and they know exactly where
they are in the pipeline
and becoming a client.
Some of my clients, TheraSaaS subscribers,
they offer testing.
And so there's this whole
separate pipeline here for
testing if you want.
And you can have as many
pipelines and customize it
however you like for your
private practice.
I'll show you one more thing
here or two more things.
This is the automation.
This is really the brains of TheraSaaS.
And whenever someone submits
a new appointment form,
a couple things happen.
It goes in the visual
pipeline like I just showed you.
You can assign that contact
to the intake coordinator.
You can add a task,
like if you need insurance,
confirm the insurance or
verify insurance.
You can send internal
notifications to the intake coordinator,
either through a text message, an email,
or even through the app.
You can email the practice owner.
The practice owner can get an email saying,
hey, you got a new intake.
We can do a wait set.
We're going to wait 15
seconds and then we're
going to send an automated
email to that client lead.
thanks so much for submitting an
appointment to name of your practice.
Someone on our team will get
back to you soon.
You can have an attachment.
So a lot of times practice
owners will attach
frequently asked question
PDFs to these emails so
that that person can
consume that information as
they're waiting to hear back from them.
And of course you can send a text message.
There are so many more
automations you can do if
you use Slack or anything
else to notify your team,
lots to do there.
Let me show you a couple more things.
One is the email.
We've talked about branded emails.
I recommend that you could
use TheraSAS for this.
So for example,
here is from Bloom Child Therapist,
So you can have an article
or a video that says, hey,
what is play therapy and
how it can help my child?
You could also say, hey,
meet the rest of the team
or here's a new hire and
you can style it like this
and make it really
beautiful and have your
branded newsletter through TheraSaaS.
One more thing that practice
owners that love about
TheraSaaS and this is the membership.
If you ever wanted to teach a course,
or have an e-course, create it,
it's like Kajabi.
It replaces Kajabi and teachable.
You can have it right here.
You can build courses and sell them.
I'm gonna show you the backend real quick.
It's not just selling a course,
but practice owners have
been using this to help
onboard new clinicians.
Because those repetitive
tasks over and over again
that you do when you hire
somebody or maybe you have
to train a new HR person or a new VA,
you could create a course
inside their SaaS that was
the back end that would say, hey,
you know, read the policy and procedures.
Here's how to get set up
with payroll and health benefits,
branding and marketing.
How about training on the EHR?
You know, we use Kid Matters,
use Simple Practice.
We just link to Simple
Practice's onboarding videos here.
That's all we do.
You could create videos and
put it in here as well.
So I'll show you a little
bit what that looks like on
the front end.
It's just like a membership course.
And that way you are
automating and saving tons
of time on onboarding new clinicians,
that remote repetitive
actions of what it takes to
onboard a new hire.
So that is just a quick demo of Therasas.
The one thing about it is,
I sort of reload this page.
The one thing about it is
I've talked to the practice
owners and intake coordinators.
Therasas is saving them at
least an hour a day from
just trying to find the
information that they need
on client leads and
communicating with them.
And so Therasas is going to pay for itself,
even if you pay your intake
coordinator $20 an hour.
It's going to pay for itself really easy.
And it's also going to be
able to replace things like
your job form or gravity
forms if you use them on your website.
Email marketing like MailChimp.
You could also use it as a phone system.
There's also pros and cons to that,
but you can.
And even if you plan to
build out a course using
Thinkific or Kajabi or Teachable,
it will replace that as well.
So I wanted to let you know about that.
You could go to and look at the pricing.
We are offering a special
for those who sign up for annual plans.
You get two months free and you also,
you get an extra onboarding
call where we'll actually
customize your automations for you.
So I'm going to go ahead and put,
if you just go to,
put that in here.
You can schedule a demo with me.
Scroll right up here.
And if, there you go.
Schedule a demo with me,
see if it's a good fit.
If it's not a good fit, that's fine.
It's a no pressure demo call,
very similar to this.
And if you sign up in February,
because you're part of this webinar,
this is the first time this
code is being released.
So febweb20.
I'll put that in the promo code, FebWeb20.
If you use that, you get 20% off.
And if you buy the annual plan,
that ends up getting like
four months off of TheraSAS.
So it's a great deal.
So I highly recommend you
checking that out.
And that is,
that should conclude the webinar.
So the one thing about this
code is that it's,
there's only 10 coupon
codes available for this.
So you don't get to be used 10 times,
only in February.
And just go to and sign up.
I'd love to see you have a demo.
All right,
I got a few minutes before my
next meeting.
If anyone has any questions,
I'm happy to hang around.
If not, you are free to go.
Thank you for joining me on this webinar.
I plan to have more webinars once a month.
So be on the lookout for emails from that.
Yeah, any questions?
Yeah, thank you.
Yep, that was...
Would I get the recording?
If you signed up for the webinar,
it should automatically
send an email out to you
saying when it's all done.
And if not, if you want to just.
If you're like, hey, Brent,
I didn't get anything.
Something happened.
Just email me there in the chat there.
I put my email in there.
Oh, thank you, Juliana.
Juliana, appreciate that.
Got you bookmarked.
Glad to join your bookmarked folder.
Thank you.
Don't see time slots to book a call.
Well, I'm going to have to fix that one,
won't I?
Yeah, you're right.
It's going out to March.
Well, that's not good.
How about this?
Why don't you just email me and we can, uh,
we can figure that out.
You can do that.
Um, you can do that there.
Brent at their
That's happened before for me.
And that's really annoying.
So I'll get you on the schedule.
All right.
Seeing no more questions in the chat.
All right.
I look forward to seeing you
on a TheraSAS demo call or
on the next webinar.
Thank you so much for joining me.
Blessings to all your hard
work in helping people.
The world needs therapists
now more than ever.
It's really important.
So thank you for the work that you do.
All right.
We'll see you all in the next.
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