Top 5 Proven Lead Magnets to Grow Your Practice Email List
All right, everyone,
welcome in to the top five
proven lead magnets to grow
your practice email list.
So I'm going to wait just a
minute to get started here
as people are popping in.
All right, we got to see.
We had over 50 people
register and usually a handful show up.
A lot of them will just
register to get to replay,
which is totally fine.
I have Troy with me today.
Troy is my virtual assistant,
my very capable, uh, virtual assistant.
And so he's going to be
interacting with you in the chat.
If you have questions,
when I mentioned links,
he's going to hunt them
down and put them in the
comment chat box.
So, um,
So thank you, Troy, for joining.
And now I'm just going to
kick Troy out because I
just want to let him introduce you.
He's going to be in the background.
All right.
Spring is trying to break
forth here in Chicago.
And with that,
there is lots of pollen and sickness.
And that is what I have.
I think I have allergies and
a bunch of other stuff jumping in.
So let me.
Oh, wait, I'm not live anymore.
Okay, I guess I'm back live.
I was no longer alive.
I don't know what happened there.
All right, well,
let me reintroduce Troy then real quick.
What happened?
Troy's going to be joining
for the webinar.
He's going to be in the
background answering
questions that you have in
the chat and also pasting
links and things that I
mentioned in there.
And I think we can just go
ahead and get started.
I think I mentioned at the
top of before whatever
happened that there was
over 50 people registered
for this webinar and
usually a handful show up,
but most registered to get the replay.
So welcome in if you're
watching the replay.
All right, Troy,
I'm going to kick you out
and we'll bring you back in
if there's questions.
So thanks for managing the
back end and helping us out.
All right.
Here we go.
Let's jump in.
The top five proven lead
magnets to grow your email list.
And the reason why I call
them proven because I have
tested them and I've used them myself.
And I'm going to give you a
pretty interactive webinar.
I'm going to give you some overview,
give you some topics,
and I'm going to break it
down to show you kind of
like a behind the scenes,
what your tech stack,
the software you need and
how to implement
some of these things.
So please get ready to ask a
lot of questions,
ask them ahead of time so
they show up in the chat
and that way we can answer
them accordingly.
All right, so let's jump in.
All right, practice owners want,
they want a sales funnel
that creates a pipeline of
new client leads coming to
their practice.
They want a sales funnel
streamlined so they can
sleep at night and not have
to worry about when
someone's gonna schedule an
appointment with them.
An essential part of a
powerful sales funnel is
capturing email addresses
to nurture at scale and with automation,
nurture that relationship
with your readers and
subscribers because
everyone who comes to your
website may not be ready to
schedule an appointment.
In addition,
just because you have a sign
up for my newsletter on
your website doesn't mean
that people are going to sign up for it.
In fact, we are way,
way more protective of our
email inbox these days.
The mindset of giving
somebody your email now has changed.
They're basically like, okay,
I'm going to give you my email address,
but I want to make sure
you're giving me something
valuable in exchange
because I'm giving you
direct access to me and my attention.
But the problem is when it
comes to lead management,
and this is what we're
looking to solve today,
is that most practices do
not have a lead magnet,
that kind of economic exchange,
giving something for free
and receiving an email in exchange.
They don't have that.
So I'm gonna show you the
five proven lead magnets
that I've used in my
practices and my business
to collect email addresses
that ensures that you're
providing value for that subscriber,
that new subscriber,
and also builds trust with you, okay?
And to kind of give you some
context to where we're at,
is uh I gave this webinar
not too long ago is that um
we have this sales funnel
and there's really three
main stages sometimes
people like to use four I
like to use three and keep
it simple you have the
curiosity stage is they're
asking can you solve my
problem so on the home page
you are asking questions
you are answering those
questions right can you
solve my problem yes I'm a
counselor I have this many
years of experience and
here's some ways that I help people
Here's some client testimonials,
all those things.
In a future webinar, I think in June,
I'm going to be giving
about how to really create
a high converting,
high engaging homepage for your website.
The second stage of the
funnel is the enlightenment stage.
And that client lead,
that potential client is asking,
can I trust you?
And really what we're going
to be focusing on is this
lead generator right here.
And that lead generator is going to help
Answer that question.
Can I trust you?
So that's kind of where
we're at in the sales funnel.
And here are here's what's at stake here.
So I explored in my last
webinar on how to start an
email newsletter and why
email is so important in
building a brand and
connecting with your ideal client.
And the reason is that
social engagement is down.
It is way down.
So if I was to go over here,
social engagement is down.
It's low.
And really, when it comes to social media,
especially, it's pay to play.
So most platforms, except for TikTok,
at least for now,
you have to pay in order to
get that reach,
in order to get that
awareness on social media platforms,
unless you go viral.
But that's like lightning in a bottle.
If you want your post to be
seen from your business account,
whether that's Facebook, Instagram,
you know, whatever,
you have to pay for that.
And you'll see here in 2023
some statistics in that social,
the engagement rate and how
they measure this,
but engagement rate's down.
And this has been coming for a long time.
So Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
like all the engagement's
down except for TikTok.
But when it comes to email lists,
your engagement is up.
And if I can zoom in here a little bit,
you may be able to see that open rates,
which is an engagement metric,
is above 20% right now in
these last several years,
most of the years.
And it's only climbing.
Rand Fishkin at SparkToro
argues that Google's
click-through rates and
social media engagement
have fallen and emails
remained a marketing workhorse.
He argues, statistically,
it's better to trade 1,000
new followers for a single
email subscriber.
That's how lopsided the value exchange is.
And here's the thing.
Email has to be an essential
part of your sales funnel,
an essential part of your
marketing strategy.
I said not everyone's ready to
schedule an appointment,
but if you can get that email address,
you can nurture that relationship.
And so when they're ready for counseling,
they're going to choose you
over the competition
because you've already
built a relationship with them.
Number two,
you need an email newsletter
and you need a lead magnet,
which is the purpose of
this conversation is
because social media is
borrowed land and you have
no control over it.
They can change the algorithm.
Someone on the inside could
not like your content and click suppress.
Click one button and your
reach is downgraded.
Um, and social media, you know,
who knows there's
legislation right now to
ban Tik TOK or something like that.
So you just never know.
And you never want to build
your whole business on just one platform.
You were on borrowed land.
You do not own the direct
access to your ideal client.
And number three,
email is still sacred space
to speak directly to your audience.
So you have to get their email address,
you'll see a lot of people
on social media the main
call to action is subscribe
to my email or download my
free guide that they're
trying to get people off of
social media and youtube
whatever and on to their
email list okay before we
go forward I want to make a
couple announcements is
The Group Practice Scaling
Summit is coming up in just
two weeks now.
It's in beautiful Chicago.
We have a few spots left.
You can purchase your tickets.
If you stay to the end,
I'll give you a discount
code for $100 off.
But it's sort of like a TED
Talk event where you get to
actually listen to great
content but ask a lot of questions.
And we're purposely keeping
it small and kind of build
some community there.
And let's face it,
being a practice owner can be lonely.
Being a group practice owner
could even be even more lonely at times.
So go to slash summit.
We are going,
including your ticket is a
meet and greet that's going
to be happening Monday
night at Luminati's Pizza in Oak Park.
It's deep dish.
We're paying for it and
we're paying for the drinks.
We're also paying for your
breakfast and your lunch,
those two days or the day and a half.
And we have some great
topics that are going to
help you scale your practice.
So be sure to check that out
and sign up as soon as possible.
If that's interesting to you,
this webinar is brought to
you by TheraSass.
Next one.
And welcome in to those who
are going to the conference,
the Meet You in Kentucky conference.
I will be there.
I'll actually have a
Therassass booth there if
you're interested in having
a CRM to help you organize
all your intakes.
But I'm also presenting on Twitter.
which is the presenter day with a
breakout at 9 a.m.
And I'm going to be talking
about how to build a
powerful sales funnel for your practice.
And I'm going to give away a
lot of the free stuff that
I share in that webinar.
So welcome in all the meet
you in Kentucky folks who
are joining this webinar
and hope to see you next month.
All right,
stay to the end and I'll give
you a bunch of free stuff.
Okay, seven years ago,
I think it's important for
you to kind of know a
little bit my context if
you don't know who I am.
Seven years ago, my beautiful wife there,
she was six months pregnant
with that little chubby boy
down at the bottom, Simeon.
She was six months pregnant
and she came home from the
agency she was working at.
She was getting her hours in.
She was working on her
counseling degree and
getting her hours in.
And she said, Brent,
I would like to actually
start my own practice.
And I want it to focus on
kids ages 2 to 12.
And I want it to be 100% private pay.
So you'll also notice at this time,
we had twin girls who were
two years and who were just
two years old.
So that means we were going
to have three kids under
the age of three.
I didn't have a marketing degree.
I never started a business before.
We didn't have money to pay
someone to build us a
website or a sales funnel
or a lead magnet.
I didn't even know what those things were.
We lived in Chicagoland to be near family,
and we just couldn't live
on my income alone.
Chicago is a very expensive place to live.
And we were starting from
absolute scratch and we had
to make this business work.
And so I went down the
rabbit hole on how to create videos,
how to do branding, marketing,
WordPress websites, creating a website,
like all those things that
are needed to just get a business going.
SEO, all those confusing things.
And for several months,
that's what I obsessed about.
And then we launched Kid
Matters Counseling shortly after.
And seven years later,
there's my beautiful family.
Seven years later,
That's what they look like
seven years later.
And then Kid Matters
Counseling is now nine clinicians.
It has grossed a million in revenue.
We are still 100% private pay,
and we actually have over
3,500 email subscribers.
And the lead magnet that I'm
going to be showing you has
contributed to that amount
of growth in our email subscribers.
Since then, those last seven years,
I've gone on to help launch
and scale up over 12 private
practices across the country.
So what that means is I'm a
full stack marketer.
I've done all the things, Google ads,
Facebook ads, content marketing,
WordPress websites, SEO, branding.
I've also done all the content creation.
So YouTube, I've done vlogging,
branded newsletters, podcasting,
course creation.
I've all done that for myself,
for my businesses.
I'm also,
I forgot to show you that I'm a
StoryBrand certified guide.
And here's the other thing.
My mission is really to help launch, grow,
and scale 10,000 private
practices by 2030 by these
different vehicles,
different businesses I have here,
TheraSAS, Play Therapy Toolbox,
which is an e-course,
the Private Pay Practice Program,
which is an education
course as well with some coaching,
and then also Brand Your Practice,
which is pretty much a
small media company at this
point providing value.
And I also have some
services attached to that.
All right, so here's the plan for the day,
or at least for this next hour.
I'm gonna show you a little
bit the purpose of a lead magnet.
Try to also address some of
the objections that the
skeptics might have out there.
I'm gonna show you some lead
magnet topics that you
could be choosing from.
Then I'm gonna show you the
five lead magnet formats
that I think work really, really well.
And then I'm gonna give you
kind of a lead magnet tech stack,
a live demo behind the
scenes and how to connect
everything together.
All right.
That is the plan.
All right.
Let's jump into the purpose
of lead magnets.
And again,
please be putting your questions
in the comments so Troy can
cue those up for us.
All right, the purpose of a lead magnet.
The first one is really to
qualify the client lead or
the prospective client.
Those who download that PDF
or whatever it might be,
they're very interested in
solving a problem that your practice
can solve,
or at least a solution that your
practice can provide.
They are on the verge of
wanting counseling if
you're a couples therapist.
So, okay, let's put it this way.
If you're a couples therapist,
you want to make sure that
you create a lead magnet
that helps couples because
you want to be able to qualify that lead,
You don't want to write
about your top five Netflix
shows for couples, right?
That's a blog post, not a lead magnet.
And I'll get to that in just a minute.
But it actually qualifies
that lead because it's
showing you they're taking
like a micro transaction,
a micro step to download
something that will help
them solve a problem.
And that's a signal to you.
They are on the verge of
scheduling a counseling
appointment or whatever it might be.
The second thing that a lead
magnet will do
is build trust at scale.
So a lead magnet does two things at once.
It really provides a free
resource that helps solve a problem,
which positions you as a trusted guide,
but it also will open up
another problem that is
uniquely solved by your services.
So by solving that first problem,
you build trust,
And then because free value
will build trust.
And that's why I'm doing this webinar,
Just to be honest with you,
like this webinar is to
help build trust with you.
And a good lead magnet will
build enough trust for them
to consider buying from you
because you've positioned
yourself as this trusted guide.
You're giving away free
content that helps them
solve a particular problem.
Number three.
is that a lead magnet will
differentiate you from the competition.
So just like an author of a book, right?
An author can create,
can build a relationship with the reader,
with their book.
A lead magnet will also
allow you to build a
relationship with potential clients,
allowing to give,
allow them to experience
your unique voice or your
unique perspective and how
you can help serve clients better.
I mean, for example,
like if you deal with
trauma and dealing with the
symptoms of trauma,
you can have your unique
perspective in helping them.
Maybe that's EMDR,
maybe that's somatic or a
combination of the two,
whatever it might be.
So the lead magnet gets you on,
puts them on your newsletter and
And that way you can
continue that conversation.
So let's say they download
the lead magnet.
they're also now you can send them
emails and newsletters on
other areas that you can
help solve problems, right?
They get to know you and your personality.
No joke.
I have heard stories from my clients,
my service clients, partnership clients,
where they've had someone
on their email list for
like two years before
they've scheduled an appointment.
But they signed up those two, like prior,
two years prior,
through the free lead magnet.
And I've had people reach out to me.
They're like, you know,
I've been reading your
email for two years.
I'm ready to launch my
private practice or whatever it might be,
So I don't even know this person, right?
But I've been developing a
relationship with them.
That's the power of a lead magnet.
Okay, so let's get into the second one,
how to choose a lead magnet.
Well, the first thing,
it has to solve a problem for free.
So people come to your
website because they have a problem.
And if you don't try to help
them solve that problem or
at least talk about the
problems that you help solve,
they're going to leave
because you're not relevant to them,
Their brain is saying, you know,
does this website,
does this counseling
practice help me survive and thrive,
And if you don't,
you're going to lose them.
The same goes with your lead magnet.
It has to help solve a
problem and it has to be for free.
All right, the second thing is
The problem and the service
have to be aligned.
So when you're talking about
topics for a lead magnet,
this goes without saying,
but your lead magnet has to
align with the counseling
services or testing
services or psychiatry
services that you provide.
So if you're a therapist,
do not have your lead
magnet be about rare cat breeds, right?
That's just gonna confuse
everyone coming to your website.
Choose a common and
significant problem that
will connect with your
ideal client and the
services you provide.
So if you work with children,
maybe you have a lead
magnet on the topics going
to be around childhood
anxiety or childhood OCD or
how to parent an ADHD child.
If you work with teens,
think about topics that are
around self-harm or anxiety
or addictions or how to parent a teen.
If you work with couples,
focus on communication
issues or infidelity or co-parenting.
If you work with trauma, you know,
think about maybe a trauma
survival guide.
And I'll show you something
like that in a little bit.
Or common signs of trauma or EMDR.
EMDR is really growing in popularity.
So maybe you want to focus on that.
If you work with just women, right?
So maybe focus on,
I'll show you a lead magnet.
We have something called the
32 hidden signs of anxiety
that women need to know about.
So think about those issues
that women might be
struggling with and write
about them or put a guide
together to make that the
topic of your lead magnet.
All right, and then number three,
have a great title for your lead magnet.
And there really are two
conditions for a great title.
The first one is you want to
have a title that's clear and simple.
So again,
you don't want them burning
calories or creating
confusion as they're
reading the title of your lead magnet.
And state the benefit and
possibly allude to the time
and effort that you took to create this.
So it's going to, I'll show why,
but psychology is that
there's like the effort
bias or something like that,
that if someone perceives
how much effort you've put into it,
It's going to equate to more.
It's going to be more valuable to them.
They're going to equate more value to it.
And I'll show some examples in a minute.
The second thing is you want
to I call a pain avoidance.
People want to avoid pain.
So they are more likely to
download a lead magnet that
helps them avoid loss or
suffering or some sort of pain.
All right.
So, for example,
I did this I did this lead
magnet a handful of years
ago for a fence contractor.
And I was like, how about this?
Five questions to ask your
fence contractor so you
don't get ripped off.
All right.
So the title's clear, right?
So you just hear our five questions.
And here's the pain that
you're trying to avoid so
you don't get ripped off.
All right.
Here's a few more titles.
25 ways to practice
mindfulness to lower
anxiety and increase self-care.
So we said 25 ways because
that seems like that's a lot.
Like there's the effort bias or whatever.
So there's a lot of value
because it feels like a full guide.
But it's a clear title,
practice mindfulness.
And here's the benefit,
lower anxiety and increase self-care.
Here's that other one we created.
I created with Chantel,
32 hidden signs of anxiety
that women need to know about.
Here's another one,
the free trauma survival guide,
discover ways to reconnect with your body,
engage with your emotions
and connect with others.
here is another one that I've created
with my clients,
the couples communication toolbox,
discover the hidden keys to
emotional intimacy are less
arguing and empathetic listening.
that's kind of showing a toolbox
kind of shows that it's a, you know,
fairly significant, um,
item, the lead magnet,
it's going to have some
value and a clear title.
And here are the benefits.
I mentioned this at the
beginning of the webinar,
but this is the one that has helped grown,
uh, grow my wife's, um,
practice email list,
15 signs of childhood
anxiety and how to help.
And inside of it is really a checklist.
Those 15 signs,
a couple of exercise and how to help.
And then other things about
the practice and how they
actually help children and their anxiety.
All right,
so I'm going to throw it up to
anyone who has any
questions here so far around lead magnets,
anything that I've talked about.
And so I'm going to bring Troy back in.
I haven't seen any.
Hey, Troy.
I haven't seen any.
You're kind of like a co-host, Troy,
so you can unmute yourself.
Hi, Brent.
Hang out.
Hi, everyone.
So, yeah.
I don't see any questions on there.
Oh, where do you post the lead magnet?
Hey, Heather.
Yeah, great question.
on your website.
So what you could do is I
like to put it in different parts.
One, I like to have a pop-up,
which I'll show in a little bit.
I have a pop-up, you know,
pop-ups you're like, oh,
that's so annoying, but you know what?
They work.
They work better than anything else.
So you can have a pop-up that has,
I'll go ahead and show this.
you can also show these comments if I
forget to do it too, I think.
but I'm going to have like
an exit and exit intent pop-up.
So when that mouse goes up
to the corner to close out the window,
it's going to pop up or a
scroll depth pop-up.
They scroll so many pages or
so many percentage down the
page and it will pop up or
there's like a time based pop-up.
So yeah,
So there's that.
And then I like to put like
a sign up in line.
They call it an inline sign
up form somewhere on your
website and maybe on the
margins of your blog page.
If you have a lead magnet,
it's really working.
I like to have it in two or
three places for people to download.
All right, Nikki.
Good question.
How would you do a lead
magnet for group practices?
So the lead magnet,
the 25 signs of mindfulness
is a group practice.
The trauma one that I showed
you earlier is for a group practice.
It's helpful if you have a
niche for a group practice.
So my wife's practice is
obviously a group practice.
If you don't,
Then, oh, yeah,
I have another practice
that does – works with
children and couples.
So they have a couple
different ones on their service pages.
So on your couples page,
you're going to have maybe
a pop-up or an inline opt-in box for it,
and they can –
sign up that way for on the couples page.
And then if you work with children,
or if there's something else,
so you could have technically,
you could have a lead
magnet for each one of your services.
And it's a lot of work.
But that's how that's how I
would conceptualize it,
because you want your lead
magnet to align your with your service.
You know,
you're going to get your most
traction on your homepage.
So, you know,
whatever service you want to
promote and grow,
the most, put that right on your homepage.
I'm going to have you bring up the
next one from Margaret there, or Margot.
Can you actually highlight
that one if you put your
cursor over it and say show?
Do you see that?
It doesn't allow me to do that.
Oh, man.
I got to give you more permissions.
Margot asks, where should the pop-up go?
I like to put them all over your website.
The pop-up,
I want every single page to
have the pop-up on it,
except for maybe your thank
you page or your conversion.
If someone schedules an appointment,
you can send them to a thank you page.
I try not to do that there.
Or your
sign up for an appointment page,
the form they need to fill
to schedule an appointment.
But there's ways where you
can set it up where, excuse me,
if someone clicks off the pop-up,
it won't show for another five days,
so it's not like every single time.
There's different ways you
can set it up depending on
the program that you have.
Follow-up question.
Do you ever put the sign-up in the header?
I've never done that.
I don't know if I've seen that done.
Actually, you know what?
I know I have.
I have seen that.
Creator Science does it, I think.
Because his main call to
action is sign up for my newsletter.
So he doesn't want anyone
really signing up for his
services until he engages
them with their newsletter.
That's the main call to action.
So I've seen that right in
the very top of the page.
It just says it.
Oh, okay, Margo, like Margot Robbie.
Got it.
Just finally watched Barbie
for the first time a couple
weeks ago with my wife.
We missed the cultural experience.
We had to catch up.
All right, let's keep going.
Those are good questions.
Thank you, Troy.
You look great, by the way.
Thanks for joining me.
All right, let's keep going.
Keep your questions coming.
Keep your questions coming.
All right, here we go.
Top five proven lead magnets.
All right,
so here is the 15 signs of
childhood anxiety.
So here's the thing.
People love checklists.
So the first one is really checklists.
They love checklists.
It communicates that you've
taken a problem and that
they are trying to solve
and you've broken it down
into manageable steps.
If you don't have any lead magnets at all,
this is the best place to start.
Figure out that topic.
and turn it into a checklist.
And this, uh,
lead magnet has been actually
downloaded over 2000 times.
Second one, ultimate guides.
Many of you have been on,
are on this webinar because
you've probably downloaded
one of my ultimate guides at some point.
The ultimate guides take a lot of time,
but they're incredibly rewarding.
Because the ultimate guide
also communicates like, this is a weighty,
this is going to be thick.
This is going to be good.
I'm willing to exchange my
email for this guy, right?
It's going to help solve a problem.
So I created with this guide
also with a lot of SEO in mind.
At the time,
Google's algorithm was
favoring and rewarding
in-depth authoritative content.
They've changed it.
It's much different today.
So it doesn't rank as high
for a lot of reasons.
But this is a...
This has worked really well for me,
the launch guide.
So I basically took a 4,500 word blog post,
how to start a private
practice and turn it into a
10 page checklist and
resource with further links
to other videos and things like that.
And then I took that
resource and then I turned
it into a 24 minute long
YouTube video because
YouTube is a search engine
and that's one of the
places I wanted to grow my brand on.
so that's kind of the distillation of this,
um, ultimate guide and, uh, oops.
And this one's been
downloaded over 4,000 times
since July of 2021.
All right.
This, the third, uh, proven lead magnet,
uh, format is an email course.
This is not an e-course.
It's an email course.
So for those who've, uh,
gone to Therasash, you'll see this pop up.
And this is just an educational,
think of it as almost like
an ultimate guide if you want,
but it's an educational
course delivered through email only.
So it's an email course that,
it's typically longer
emails and they're designed
in a way to help digest the content.
And in those emails,
it could link out to other resources.
You have other videos,
whatever it might be,
but email's the primary vehicle.
So here's an example of what
that looks like.
So you can see it's got emojis.
I'm spacing things out.
Got bolded words.
But you're teaching them through email.
That's all it is.
People love these.
What I love about these
email courses is that it
doesn't take a lot of time to create.
It doesn't involve a lot of
design like a multi-page
PDF or anything like that.
The course,
a typical email course is
usually five to seven days long.
So you have your topic and
you spread it out over five
to seven days.
And there's usually in the
last couple pages, or sorry,
in the last couple emails,
there's like a heavy call
to action to schedule an
appointment or to buy a
particular product.
That's usually on day six or seven.
And the reason why you want
this is because by them
downloading your lead magnet,
they're raising their hand saying,
I'm interested.
I want you to talk to me
about how you can help solve my problem.
So that's why I say heavy
call to actions towards the
end part of the email course.
The other one is just a typical e-course.
So here's another one we
created for one of my clients.
And what this is...
So traditional e-course, you can,
something like Thinkific,
you need a learning management system.
So like Thinkific or Kajabi
and even Therasas,
my CRM has a membership
course module in it.
And, and,
What I like about courses, it takes time.
It doesn't have to be a big course.
It could be a mini course, right?
You could use different
multimedia so people could
have download PDFs inside the course.
You can have videos on there.
It could be text-based teaching.
you could do a lot with an e-course
and a learning management system.
The individual just signs up
through an opt-in form and
the primary content is
delivered through the
learning management.
So there's like a login and
all that type of things.
OK, the last one is a private podcast.
So I created one for my
private pay practice, which, by the way,
all those businesses I
showed you at the top, you know,
my goal is to get 10,000 to help launch,
scale and grow 10,000
private practices by 2030.
They all those businesses
have a lead magnet of some kind.
And I also want to say all
the lead magnets that we've done,
the first one doesn't always work.
Like you kind of have to
test these things out.
So we got the idea.
I don't know where,
but it's a private podcast.
So what this means is it's a podcast,
but they only get access to
the podcast episodes.
If they opt in,
they sign in and they get
access to a link that they
can then import or
subscribe through their podcast player.
So podcasts are amazing.
Podcasts are still growing.
You can get your voice,
which is a very intimate thing,
get their voice into the
ears of your ideal client.
And the setup is pretty simple.
You could just use your cell
phone microphone or you can
upgrade to a nice microphone.
You can open up a Zoom
meeting and just listen.
Start recording using Zoom.
It's great.
It'll adjust your audio
levels and all that stuff.
It'll be great.
You can send it to somebody
to edit if you want,
or you can edit it yourself.
Audio editing is not that hard.
So what I like about the
private podcast is it kind
of also shows some of that exclusivity,
Provides a little bit of FOMO,
fear of missing out,
because you need that URL
to get access to it.
This is a little bit screenshot,
and I'm going to show you
more behind the scenes.
But, you know, we have eight episodes.
You can see up here, if I zoom in,
it's an unlisted podcast.
So that's why they need a
URL to get to it.
All right.
I'm all about some bonuses here.
So the bonus is webinars.
Exactly what I'm doing.
In fact,
I'm going to let you know about my
next webinar.
That's going to be on May 9th.
And it's going to be about
how to automate your email newsletter.
It's going to be a step-by-step guide.
There you go.
So webinars are still great.
They're amazing.
People are using them.
It's a great way to collect
email addresses.
You know,
every time I do a Brighter Vision webinar,
and I love partnering with them,
is there's about 400 new
email addresses that I'll get.
So, or maybe three, yeah,
three to 400 new email addresses.
So webinars are still really great.
They're still very popular.
You can showcase your
personality and build that
authority and trust and
software makes it really easy.
I'm using StreamYard for this.
The only problem with
webinars is that it takes a lot of time.
So practice owners have very
little time to commit to
doing these things.
I spend about 20, you know,
it depends on how much
value you want to bring,
but I spend about 10 to 20 hours,
probably more like 15 to 20
hours per webinar.
But these are great because
webinars you can reuse over
and over again.
So I'll do the same webinar
here in a couple months,
maybe in six months or so.
And that's also the basis
for a forthcoming book.
So I'm like testing out
content for the book that I'm writing.
But webinars are fantastic.
I think it's great.
I think practice owners are
under utilizing these.
I have had a client actually
provide a webinar,
a presentation on signs of
trauma in high school students, I think.
signs of something like that to a
group of parents at a private school.
And it was all done all over Zoom.
And it was a webinar format.
And she got collect all
those email addresses.
and build that relationship with them,
So I'm gonna just take a
quick break here for questions here.
Any questions around what I
just shared on webinar formats?
I'm dealing with a cold right now,
so I'm gonna take a little
vocal break and let you know,
where's Troy?
Let's bring Troy back in.
Hey, Troy, I share.
Yeah, you're back.
You shared a link, the StreamYard.
Oh, is this, yeah, what was that link to?
That's for your next webinar.
Oh, nice.
Thank you.
so click on that link to register for
the next webinar.
Yeah, any other questions so far?
we got over 20 people now on the webinar.
I see.
That's great.
put some questions in the chat before
I get to the tech stack.
And I'm going to prepare my
screen for the tech stack.
I got to share a different screen now.
No questions, anyone?
We'll see none.
Maybe we just keep going.
Maybe just give me a thumbs
up if you like what you're seeing.
Or, you know,
send Troy some encouragement.
Send Troy some encouragement.
would the lead magnet also be posted
in your SEO blog?
I don't know.
Is that my, yeah, in my SEO blog?
Yeah, let me just show you that,
like what that could look
like real quick.
Brand your practice.
I'll get to the blog here.
Give me a second.
So let's see here.
I have my main on my blog.
I have that right.
My, my lead mag right here,
start your own private practice.
And then if I punch into one
of my blog posts,
I have some more league
magnets on the side here on the right.
So you can see that.
Well, man,
it's just popping up everywhere.
There you go.
There's a pop-up.
So yeah,
I don't know if that answers
your question.
I accidentally left the meeting
while signing up for your next webinar.
Well, welcome back, Heather.
It's good to have you.
So yeah, no problem.
Okay, let's jump in to this next section.
It's a little tricky because
I'm doing multiple things
at once here and it's not helpful.
All right, so a couple of things here.
What you need for a tech
stack is really an opt-in
form and you need an email provider.
So at minimum,
you need software to help
create that opt-in and
consent form box builder, right?
You, we've all seen these things, right?
You see it right down here.
And then an email provider
to deliver the asset.
So you know what?
Before I do this, let me go back to, well,
I'm going to remove Troy.
And then where are all the reactions?
Smiley face.
Oh, there.
Thank you.
Thank you, Margo.
All right.
I need to stop.
I got to share another screen.
Sorry for that.
Okay, here we go.
So an email providers are like MailerLite,
and even Therasas will do this for you.
Where is mine?
Okay, here we go.
Now we're getting back on track.
So for the private practice
launch checklist,
so I've used Canva to
create the graphics.
In the PDF,
I use something called OptinMonster.
So you saw that pop up earlier.
That's using OptinMonster.
Other programs do it.
OptinMonster is expensive,
but I needed it for a lot
of different... I was doing
a lot of different testing
for a lot of different clients,
so it was just a tool.
You don't need OptinMonster,
but I'm just showing you what I did.
And then there's MailerLite
to deliver the assets
itself and the email.
So let me show you a little
bit on this automation.
So every automation is
kicked off with a trigger.
So the trigger is they
subscribe to the private
practice launch checklist, right?
So they download it.
And email number one,
we deliver the asset.
We wait a day and we start our campaign.
Email number two, launch.
Um, and then we wait another day and we,
you know, send it.
So if you guys download this,
you're going to get about
12 emails over the course
of the next 20 days from me.
And I'm just continuing to show value.
Here's a link.
Here's another resource you
have like over and over and over again.
I've gotten so much
wonderful feedback on this guide.
Um, and, um, yeah,
it's worked really well for me.
Now it's time for the live demo.
Here we go.
So let me, um,
show you the things.
Let me get back in here.
All right, so for this one,
this is how to convert
calls into clients.
All right, so this is for TheraSaaS.
The opt-in form was created
inside TheraSaaS,
and I'll show you that briefly.
This is what the landing page looks like.
So I have the form down here,
then the form up here in the image.
email automation was delivered by
And, um, so let me walk through it.
So here's the form and in Therasass, um,
this is actually for the
private pay podcast.
Oops, forgot the different form,
but similar.
So here's the form and we
embed that form right inside here.
And then here is the automation.
So this is inside ThereseS.
So the trigger is somebody
fills out that form.
And then there's a bunch of
stuff that happens on the backend,
Google Analytics, I add,
but eventually gets to that first email,
which we have a beautifully
designed email here that
the first course or first
lesson of that course.
So this is all about intake
coordinators and sales.
So you can see that here.
So I long, long form emails.
I wait a day, wait step,
and then here it gets email number two,
wait a day, email number three.
And you can see here inside
there is as it shows you
that people are actually in
the course right now.
And they're just on those
different wait steps.
So, um, all so wait, stop, wait, stop,
add content, you know, email, email.
And then I add a little tag
at the end that just lets me know, hey,
they finished the course.
And then I also get a little
internal notification because it says,
hey, hey, Troy,
they just finished this course.
You should reach out to them.
So that's a little bit
behind the scenes on that
automation and what the opt-in form is.
Where are reactions?
Got it.
Let's get to the next one now.
So this is going to be the live demo.
This is going to be the e-course.
And this was also built
inside TheraSAS here with
our form builder.
Again, most email, like MailerLite,
they all do this to some extent.
And then when they fill out the course,
this is the inside of TheraSAS.
There's a membership module.
We created this course.
Well, it's not showing up at the moment.
That's the worst thing.
There it is.
So you have the little like
mini course right here.
And inside each one,
you can see that there's like a video.
You could add files here and, you know,
some text.
OK, so very traditional e-course.
They fill out the form.
They get access to the course.
They get a username and they
set their password.
And this is the back end of
of you setting up your
course and your different courses.
The other thing is really cool.
Well, actually,
I'm going to get sidetracked.
Let's keep going.
Here is the automation on TheraSAS.
So once they fill out the form,
because I was going to show you this,
you grant them membership to the course.
They get an email.
There's a quiz in there that
they can take.
We're just pointing them
back to the course itself.
We wait a couple of days.
Uh, and then we,
you say an email number five, Hey,
meet the team, meet the team at Sirona.
and also here are a couple testimonials.
We want you to know about email six,
email seven.
So these are the call to action, like here,
here, their experience, uh, get your own,
uh, appointment today.
So that is how the automation works.
And you can see there's
people inside that automation right now.
Let's see here.
I'm going to see if there's any questions.
Ask any questions so I can
stop talking and answer them.
But let me jump over to the next one,
which is the private podcast example.
So again, this is all built on Therasas.
We got the opt-in here and
you already seen what the
automation looks like.
But let me show you the
backend of Transistor.
Transistor is what I use for
all my clients' podcasts
that we produce for them.
And you can see here that we
created a unlisted podcast,
which basically means every
podcast needs an RSS feed.
And you can share that with Apple and,
you know,
distribute them to all these
different aggregators of podcasts.
But in order to subscribe to this podcast,
you need this podcast feed link.
So when they,
when they fill out the
information on the opt-in form and box,
they're going to get the email.
with this link in it.
And I wanted to show you the
episodes here.
This is what it looks like right here.
Yeah, I don't know what else to say,
but these are all the
individual podcasts here.
What Deb and I did here,
the reason why we did this
is that we work with... I mean,
I've launched several with
other practice owners,
private pay practices.
So we had a lot to say about
how to grow a private pay practice,
whether you're solo or a group practice.
And so we created...
like an ultimate guide essentially,
but using podcasts.
We also took those podcasts
and did it in the videos,
and I'll also show that to you as well.
So we did all of this through StreamYard,
I think.
I don't think we did Zoom.
But we have all the videos here.
We used Vimeo.
You could also use YouTube
for this if you want.
That's not a big deal.
YouTube likes to suggest
videos as soon as you're done,
and their algorithm is so good.
You'll get distracted.
I want people to stay on the website.
I want people to stay
engaged with the content.
So that's why we use Vimeo
for all our videos.
But you can easily use this on YouTube.
Let me show you the other thing.
Vimeo has a really cool
thing called a showcase.
So it also nicely arranges
everything here.
And you can watch or listen
to all the videos that we
created for the Ultimate
Guide for Private Pay Podcast.
Let's see.
Do we have more?
All right.
So the next one is going to
be action items.
So any questions?
So let's see here.
Heather's got some good questions.
Let's talk about those.
Heather, would you...
Hey, Troy, I want to bring you back in.
I wish you could hit those buttons for me.
But all right.
Heather asks,
would you consider shifting
this to a source of revenue
instead of being a free solution?
Would it become a paid solution?
I love this question.
OK, so I say if you're just starting out.
Like you got to have the free option.
You can eventually upgrade later,
upsell them into a paid option.
So that could be another
e-course and another ultimate guy.
That's more of a paid
product like for seven
bucks or a hundred bucks, whatever.
There's a whole psychology around that.
I say offer it for free.
You know,
the webinar series that I'm doing on this,
this could easily be part
of a paid course where
people pay maybe 200 bucks
on a sales funnel.
Who knows?
Maybe it might be someday.
But for me, my philosophy is like,
I'm just giving away all the good stuff.
I'm giving you behind the scenes.
A lot of people would
typically have to pay for a
webinar like this and
getting this information.
So for me, I'm like, show,
give it all away.
Uh, because it's going to position you,
as a trusted guide.
So what I'm trying to do,
and maybe a little behind the scenes here,
my own kind of marketing,
what I'm thinking for
myself is that I would love
to be known maybe as the sales funnel guy,
uh, for private practice owners and, um,
see you later,
Troy for private practice owners.
And, um, that's,
that's kind of what I'm doing with this.
So I'm giving away for free.
So I would say, get started,
give it away for free.
Let's see here.
I created a paid
relationship rescue course,
which I taught in person
with couples at as a workshop.
I would love to create a
lead magnet to my course.
Yeah, that's great.
So I think what you could do.
Oh, hey, Deb.
Yes, Deb, great.
Welcome, great content.
Oh, thank you, Deb.
Yeah, so yeah, everyone meet Deb.
There she is.
She's smiling on this image right here.
So back to Heather's question.
You could create a lead
magnet around this and, um,
around your course.
You just want to,
you could break down your
course a little bit already, or maybe the,
here's the other thing you could do.
You could give away the
first session or lesson of
your course as for free and say, Hey,
you want the more you can pay for it.
you could create a checklist that's
based on your course that you have.
I know there's lots of ways to do it.
So, um,
Good question.
All right.
Not seeing any more.
Let's start to wrap it up.
Let me switch screens one more second.
Okay, here we go.
Some action items for us all.
The first step is choose
your lead magnet topic, all right?
So use the framework I've
given you to choose your topic.
For me, I say write out.
Write out the script, write it all out,
get the words down first,
and then you can develop it
if it's a checklist or a
course or an email course,
whatever it might be.
Um, and then, uh, choose,
choose your format.
So get the words first and
then choose the format.
And I would say,
choose the format that
really like best suits you.
I'm way more comfortable
doing webinars these days.
I like talking with other people as well.
Um, but also just get started.
Maybe just do a checklist,
get it done or do an email course.
Keep it simple.
Just get it out there and
get it going and test it out.
Cause you're going to have to try, uh,
different formats.
See what sticks.
Or maybe it's just changing the title.
That's what I found.
You just got to change the title.
That's more of a hook.
All right.
So I'm going to give you this resource,
this QR code, and maybe Troy,
you could put it in.
So you could put it in the, um,
in the comment section, the link to this.
So what this is,
this is going to give you
access links to all the, all the, um,
lead generators that I've
shown you today and a whole
lot more so that I would
encourage you to just to
what we call funnel hacking,
just reverse engineer it.
See what I'm doing.
I've already showed you what works.
And just to experience it
for yourself and see like, oh, I wonder,
oh, this is more my personality,
this type of format.
I don't know, just reverse engineer it.
That's what I've done.
There's nothing new under the sun.
And you're just testing.
You're just testing.
So thank you, Troy,
for putting that in the comments.
Here's the thing with Therasas,
just real quick,
since they did sponsor this,
it's an intake CRM.
So if you're struggling
keeping track of client
leads that are coming into your practice,
And you want to be able to
organize them and have them
not fall through the cracks.
Therasass is a great way to do that.
But Therasass is also a
marketing software as well.
So you could create lead magnets in there,
like I showed you.
You can design beautiful emails.
And it will also send your emails for you.
Something to consider.
So schedule a demo if that's
interesting to you.
We do have a special in April.
40% off.
And there's the code there.
But please schedule a demo
with me to make sure it's a
good fit for you first.
And then I'll give you the purchase page.
If it is a good fit,
you can use that code.
All right.
Other thing, just a reminder,
a hundred bucks off,
just do TheraSass 100 and
get a hundred bucks off the
group practice scaling summit.
Would love to have you in
Oak Park for just a day and a half.
It's going to be pretty great.
And we're going to make sure
you're well fed too.
The other thing is a
reminder for those in the
meet you in Kentucky conference.
I'll be in breakout room
three at nine o'clock in
the morning to talk about
how to build a powerful
sales funnel for your practice.
You got to look silly
sometimes gets the attention.
the next webinar is going to be in may
is how to automate your email newsletter,
another step-by-step guide.
So a little bit of what I
showed you already, uh,
but I'm going to show you some, uh,
more automation and just
kind of how to connect the things.
And so that, uh,
you can sleep better at
night and your sales funnel
is working for you 24 seven.
Your sales funnel,
your website in particular,
should be a 24-7 sales agent,
your best sales agent.
And email is going to be a
big part of that.
So I'm going to show you
some automation and email
newsletter ideas.
All right, let's wrap it up.
Any final questions?
Margo, thank you.
Glad you were able to join
for the second webinar.
I'm going to be doing more
at least once a month.
Uh, sometimes twice a month,
private pay practice.
I have a webinar with them for the group.
Um, and also brighter vision.
I'm doing some, so it's a web.
I'm giving it,
giving it for a try for a year.
You're welcome, Erica.
Thank you, Cindy.
That's just great.
Any other questions?
I'll hang around for one
more minute and then take a,
What do you call those?
Throat lozenger.
I can't remember it.
please put any other questions in here.
I'm not seeing any.
You know what?
I'm going to bring Troy back
in and just say thanks, Troy,
for joining me.
It's the first time I had Troy,
and I didn't know what to expect,
but sometimes you get
hammered with questions,
and I can't keep them all straight, so...
It's just good to hang out with you, Troy.
Good to hang out with you too, Brent.
If only I could show the
comments on my end, but I couldn't.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, we'll figure that out.
We'll figure that out.
All right, everyone.
I'm going to wrap it up here.
So thank you so much for joining me.
And you'll get an email with
the replay when it's done.
and please ask any questions you have
on the back end.
Subscribe to all those lead
gens so you can see them
and experience them yourself.
And we'll see you in the
next webinar or I'll see
you and meet you in Kentucky.
All right.
Thanks all.
Creators and Guests
